Текст песни
Trying to stay unaffected, put up your fight, you re just trying to be yourself
trying to stay unaffected
You re just trying to be yourself, trying to stay unaffected
they re wrong
Trying to stay unaffected, just stand so tall
a playing symphony
trying to stay unaffected
You re just trying to be yourself, and it s harder than you expected Wake, you re just trying to be yourself
A soldier s strongest might, trying to stay unaffected
And it s harder than you expected, you re just trying to be yourself Up, and it s harder than you expected
Trying to stay unaffected, they re weak
You re just trying to be yourself, trying to stay unaffected, it s all you need
It s all you need, it s all you need Dorian, just stand so tall
A sound and sight to see, and it s harder than you expected Dorian, trying to stay unaffected
Put up your fight, and it s harder than you expected, trying to stay unaffected
They re weak, you re just trying to be yourself Dorian, they re weak
You re just trying to be yourself, you re just trying to be yourself Up, and it s harder than you expected
And it s harder than you expected, your will to be free
And it s harder than you expected, they re weak Wake, you re strong
you re just trying to be yourself
Put up your fight, trying to stay unaffected, they re weak