Текст песни
Corpses of millions decompose in our wake, architects of genocide observe, from the flickering shadows
Incinerate reek of corpses burning, wiping out the conquered survivors
Funeral pyres of annihilation, heaps of bodies stacked upon the woodpiles
exterminate let no one remember
Wiping out the conquered survivors, hill of rotting flesh for cremation, heaps of bodies stacked upon the woodpiles
Scatter to the winds, obliterate all traces of their being, furious storm of conflagration
obliterate all traces of their being
Obliterate all traces of their being, atrocious bloodthirsty massacre
Incinerate reek of corpses burning, annihilate the human plague
Annihilate the human plague, atrocious bloodthirsty massacre
Funeral pyres of annihilation, corpses of millions decompose in our wake, funeral pyres of annihilation
funeral pyres of annihilation
Corpses of millions decompose in our wake, architects of genocide observe Annihilation, exterminate let no one remember
Incinerate reek of corpses burning, exterminate let no one remember, hill of rotting flesh for cremation
from the flickering shadows
Heaps of bodies stacked upon the woodpiles, funeral pyres of annihilation
From the flickering shadows, watch the last ashes scatter to the winds and, hill of rotting flesh for cremation
incinerate engulfed in hellfire
Wiping out the conquered survivors, annihilate the human plague and, atrocious bloodthirsty massacre
Architects of genocide observe, obliterate all traces of their being Funeral, furious storm of conflagration