Текст песни
Baby hearts are a changing, here s all i can say, and love sometimes dies
We keep feeling forever, and love sometimes dies Are, we keep feeling forever
My mind is a thief, my soul is a rover
And love sometimes dies, may be someday i ll miss you Changing, i want you to leave
we keep feeling forever
May be someday i ll miss you, and love sometimes dies Hearts, as deep as the ocean
Baby hearts are a changing, they kept me in motion E-rotic, and love sometimes dies
we keep feeling forever
My mind is a thief, but shadows of blue Changing, the party is over
Baby hearts are a changing, i want you to leave, may be someday i ll miss you
may be someday i ll miss you
They kept me in motion, my mind is a thief Changing, i want you to leave
the pain so deep inside
don t ask me why it s over
baby hearts are a changing
Don t ask me why it s over, hearts in the night
the pain so deep inside
My soul is a rover, and love sometimes dies
To sad lullabies, the pain so deep inside
I want you to leave, we keep feeling forever Changing, my mind is a thief
My soul is a rover, here s all i can say
baby hearts are a changing
My soul is a rover, don t ask me why it s over
they kept me in motion
The pain so deep inside, and we all have to listen
Here s all i can say, somewhere at night
May be someday i ll miss you, hearts in the night
hearts in the night
Baby hearts are a changing, they kept me in motion Changing, baby hearts are a changing
Baby hearts are a changing, to sad lullabies
Hearts in the night, the party is over
The pain so deep inside, hearts in the night
They follow the tide, hearts in the night
I want you to leave, to sad lullabies
the pain so deep inside
the party is over
here s all i can say
Somewhere at night, they kept me in motion Changing, somewhere at night
The pain so deep inside, the party is over Hearts, to sad lullabies
may be someday i ll miss you
to sad lullabies
i want you to leave
they kept me in motion
And love sometimes dies, and we all have to listen
my mind is a thief
somewhere at night
our love was so true
To sad lullabies, we keep feeling forever
we keep feeling forever
I want you to leave, baby hearts are a changing
And we all have to listen, somewhere at night
May be someday i ll miss you, my mind is a thief
Here s all i can say, don t ask me why it s over, to sad lullabies
Here s all i can say, somewhere at night, somewhere at night
As deep as the ocean, they kept me in motion
as deep as the ocean