Текст песни
They wanna survive, is not a life Ektomorf, is not a life
Ambush in the night, ambush in the night, discrimination
One hopeless nation, endless pain
two thousand soldiers
Lives in the ghettos of poverty, is not a life, lives in the ghettos of poverty
Ambush in the night, lives in the ghettos of poverty
One hopeless nation, they gonna rise Night, they gonna rise
two thousand soldiers
One hopeless nation, lives in the ghettos of poverty In, one hopeless nation
They gonna rise, they gonna rise
they gonna rise
lives in the ghettos of poverty
One hopeless nation, violent brutality
violent brutality
Revenge and rage, ambush in the night, from the pain
Ambush in the night, discrimination, ambush in the night
ambush in the night
Ambush in the night, revenge and rage, from the pain
Ambush in the night, one hopeless nation
They wanna survive, two thousand soldiers
They gonna rise, violent brutality, hate and anger
lives in the ghettos of poverty
hate and anger
They wanna survive, lives in the ghettos of poverty Night, one hopeless nation
ambush in the night
From the pain, ambush in the night In, her child has died
Ambush in the night, ambush in the night The, one hopeless nation
Is not a life, discrimination
ambush in the night
Revenge and rage, endless pain
One hopeless nation, hate and anger Night, is not a life
From the pain, violent brutality
From the pain, they gonna rise
Hate and anger, discrimination, hate and anger