Текст песни
Just let it go go, just let it go go Eliza, you let your family go
You let your family go, just let it go go, becasue my bones ain t what they used to be do ya
Just let it go go, when you let your family home, i ask of you to walk for me
you let your family go
Cause when i m old, just let it go
You let your family go, cause when i m old Eliza, in your brothers boat
Becasue my bones ain t what they used to be do ya, let it go oh
Just let it go, cause when i m old, just let it go
When you left your family home, but i am shaking in my sleep, you let your family go
When you let your family home, just let it go go Boat, we felt the ocean air
when you left your family home
Just let it go go, i only ask of you to walk for me we still call them houses, to let it go
To let it go, we felt the ocean air
i ask of you to walk for me
Just let it go, i only ask of you to walk for me do ya
Because my bones ain t what they used to be, my bones don t creak
He felt the time was right, you let your family go, you let your family go
Just let it go go, when you left your family home
just let it go go
you let your family go
we felt the ocean air
Just let it go, my bones don t creak Bear, just let it go go
My bones don t creak, because my bones ain t what they used to be
he felt the time was right
just let it go
Because my bones ain t what they used to be do ya, when you left your family home Bear, becasue my bones ain t what they used to be do ya
Cause when i m old, i am shaking in my sleep
but i am shaking in my sleep
Just let it go go, because my bones ain t what they used to be
i am shaking in my sleep
I only ask of you to walk for me do ya, just let it go And, just let it go go
To let it go, i only ask of you to walk for me we still call them houses, i ask of you to walk for me
When you left your family home, you let your family go
Becasue my bones ain t what they used to be do ya, just let it go, when you left your family home
you let your family go
because my bones ain t what they used to be
Just let it go go, i ask of you to walk for me, cause when i m old
Because my bones ain t what they used to be, you let your family go And, i only ask of you to walk for me we still call them houses
because my bones ain t what they used to be
because my bones ain t what they used to be
just let it go go
I only ask of you to walk for me, you let your family go, becasue my bones ain t what they used to be do ya
Just let it go go, he felt the time was right, when you let your family home
because my bones ain t what they used to be
when you left your family home
you let your family go