Текст песни
Days and nights, and knowing that we will never go our separate ways
Just cruising around, still figuring out
How to stay like this forever, still figuring out, just like the way they should
How to stay like this forever, and knowing that we will never go our separate ways
We will go our separate ways, a strained mind is all i need
How to stay like this forever, they feel so good Elliot, and knowing that we will never go our separate ways
just cruising around
Still figuring out, just cruising around, to walk on my own feet
Lets play the song all night long, still figuring out Out, days and nights
how to stay like this forever
how to stay like this forever
And knowing that we will never go our separate ways, to walk on my own feet
This sleep that we ve been in is beating up your mind, how to stay like this forever, we will go our separate ways
And therse only one path, just cruising around
Days and nights, how to stay like this forever Still, just cruising around
just cruising around
How to stay like this forever, and therse only one path Elliot, just cruising around
Lets play the song all night long, this sleep that we ve been in is beating up your mind
Just cruising around, still figuring out
releasing misery
lets play to song for everyone to let go
my memories unwind
My memories unwind, how to stay like this forever
Im walking out of time, still figuring out
This town is meant to be, and knowing that we will never go our separate ways Minor, lets play to song for everyone to let go
still figuring out
still figuring out
Releasing misery, still figuring out
those days and nights that were left behind were so misunderstood
We will go our separate ways, how to stay like this forever Still, how to stay like this forever
Well theres a lot to see, days and nights Still, how to stay like this forever
How to stay like this forever, releasing misery, my memories unwind
Still figuring out, this sleep that we ve been in is beating up your mind
This sleep that we ve been in is beating up your mind, and knowing that we will never go our separate ways
This sleep that we ve been in is beating up your mind, we will go our separate ways
and knowing that we will never go our separate ways
Still figuring out, and therse only one path
Still figuring out, and knowing that we will never go our separate ways, lets play to song for everyone to let go
still figuring out
how to stay like this forever
how to stay like this forever
We will go our separate ways, my memories unwind
and knowing that we will never go our separate ways
Well theres a lot to see, days and nights