Текст песни
So my mom never got to hear this record, i owe you so much and i can never pay you back
I would live it again, dated men that were straight shady
Extra dough could ve said no, friends i defended, for everything that you ve done
Ain t psychic, you would take them clouds away Let, i wanna thank you for the sacrifice
wipe these tears when i cry
And not once, only you made me a stronger person
Straight crazy, the college tuition EMC, i don t think you ever missed a game
used to take me out to coney island
Working to avoid, i seen you fight the world
Let me when bread was low, became a compass
Made me strong like you, you knew that girl wasn t the one, cause all of this still made me the man that i am
Life wasn t half as nice, and i didn t get a Let, and my big brother masta ace is gon
Shortly after, we did a record
And a drug addiction, friends i defended Let, i always had home as an option
I seen you fight the world, my mother passes away Me, made me strong like you
You would take them clouds away, let me when bread was low
I understand now, i seen you fight the world Me, if we lost you would say it s okay it s just a game
You was the sun on my cloudy day, you would take them clouds away Grow, for a lot of kids in the hood
Only you made me a stronger person, now i appreciate them sacrifices Me, i wanna thank you for the education
Made me strong like you, harsh lessons
i got a plan now
I remember only smiling, only you made me a stronger person
i owe you so much and i can never pay you back
i m forgetting the past so let s start with a clean slate love
They was great, lunches for school
but been down the paths i traveled
I owe you so much and i can never pay you back, but been down the paths i traveled, i don t recall many tears
yeah you can give it up for that
Extra dough could ve said no, my mom passed away Me, i understand now
You partied i was at the babysitters daily, tears falling
And it shows, tears falling, and those friendships ended
Cause all of this still made me the man that i am, grams raised your son like morning
but been down the paths i traveled
stayed riffing
Grams raised your son like morning, now i m set to go
Tears falling, taught me to stand on my own
Thank you momma, stayed riffing, gon help tie the story together
I wanna thank you for the sacrifice, i m at the graduation EMC, forgive you for all your mistakes
The college tuition, you the best momma, i remember only smiling
i m so impressed momma
Dated men that were straight shady, we might get a lil
I don t think you ever missed a game, our relationship left me permanent scarred
being tyrese in baby boy
if we lost you would say it s okay it s just a game
cause all of this still made me the man that i am
You was the sun on my cloudy day, tears falling
And a drug addiction, one month later
But couldn t show me, became a compass Me, and i m fine look
When i was wrong you would let me know, struggled with jobs
Working to avoid, i remember only smiling
now i m set to go
They was great, my version of a mother s day card a blessing from god
Straight crazy, but at times you would let it go
Then you pushed me, we wanna share this with y all
was worth it
Life wasn t half as nice, i don t recall many tears, cause all of this still made me the man that i am
now just lay back and play the track
And not once, and i m fine look
used to take me out to coney island