Текст песни
A vision of you, born are the few, don t fade away
Born are the few, born are the few
Something far away, a vision of you
arid is the dust underneath me
i must pattern my life about you
born are the few
Always with me, born are the few Eric, my desert rose
I must pattern my life about you, i must pattern my life about you
don t fade away
A vision of you, born are the few
Look into the well deep inside you, a mirage so it seems
you can make the most when the waters run dry
A vision of you, acrolith reflection
A vision of you, born are the few
my desert rose
Look into the well deep inside you, my desert rose
something far away
You can make the most when the waters run dry, my desert rose
You can make the most when the waters run dry, a vision of you
always with me
My desert rose, arid is the dust underneath me
Don t fade away, born are the few Eric, my desert rose
A vision of you, my desert rose
born are the few
a vision of you
You can make the most when the waters run dry, i must pattern my life about you, always with me
Don t fade away, always with me
Don t fade away, born are the few
my desert rose
Always with me, acrolith reflection
A mirage so it seems, my desert rose
Born are the few, you can make the most when the waters run dry, acrolith reflection
a vision of you
My desert rose, a mirage so it seems, my desert rose
you can make the most when the waters run dry
Always with me, acrolith reflection
Look into the well deep inside you, don t fade away
My desert rose, something far away
Born are the few, always with me
Don t fade away, you can make the most when the waters run dry, a vision of you
a vision of you
Always with me, desert rose that dances, a vision of you