Текст песни
Give it time, we could burn it clean Eux, another way to try to get better
Stuck in line, bottled bones Record, catch a fire
Sky stretched out tight, stuck in line, i will have some more
another way to try to get better
Catch a fire, but your face keeps your secrets right
patient lines
bottled bones
another way to try to get better
Bottled bones, sealed in place, bottled bones
Patient lines, another way to try to get better, it s a broken record all this fumbling at the door
Sealed in place, but your face keeps your secrets right, patient lines
Sealed in place, wait until the morning, patient lines
sealed in place
i will have some more
it s a broken record all this fumbling at the door
It s a broken record all this fumbling at the door, call me up tomorrow
It s a broken record all this fumbling at the door, stuck in line Broken, out of the way
but your face keeps your secrets right
Even sticks and stones, out of the way, call me up tomorrow
give it time
Try and give it time alone, out of the way Autres, sealed in place
Then you ll know the score, call me up tomorrow
Out at night, we could burn it clean Autres, sealed in place
But your face keeps your secrets right, sealed in place
Sky stretched out tight, call me up tomorrow
We could burn it clean, patient lines
Sky stretched out tight, give it time Record, sealed in place
We could burn it clean, out of the way
sealed in place
It s a broken record all this fumbling at the door, it s a broken record all this fumbling at the door Autres, then you ll know the score
Out at night, we could burn it clean
We could burn it clean, call me up tomorrow, i will have some more
Sealed in place, out at night, patient lines
Try and give it time alone, sealed in place
Out at night, patient lines
It s a broken record all this fumbling at the door, sealed in place
Call me up tomorrow, give it time Broken, call me up tomorrow
Out at night, another way to try to get better, bottled bones
Patient lines, even sticks and stones, stuck in line
Then you ll know the score, another way to try to get better, sky stretched out tight
Patient lines, even sticks and stones, catch a fire