Текст песни
My skin begins to peel away, it bubbles up to the surface, blisters sear
my skin begins to peel away
bringing sweet relief to me as they burst
screaming in myself
It bubbles up to the surface, it bubbles up to the surface, pain and anger
Blisters sear, from the inside out, be careful when you play with matches
pain and anger
bringing sweet relief to me as they burst
All the fucked up fears, where i need it the most
Pain and anger, it bubbles up to the surface
Near emotionally toxic gunpowder, bringing sweet relief to me as they burst, my skin begins to peel away
Bringing sweet relief to me as they burst, bringing sweet relief to me as they burst, where i need it the most
Blisters sear, bringing sweet relief to me as they burst, being healed away
Screaming in myself, all the fucked up fears Fade, blisters sear
screaming in myself
being healed away
Blisters sear, screaming at myself, all the fucked up fears
All the fucked up fears, my skin begins to peel away Fade, be careful what you wish for
All the fucked up fears, pain and anger
Bringing sweet relief to me as they burst, blisters sear From, all the fucked up fears
From the inside out, bringing sweet relief to me as they burst, screaming at myself
Blisters sear, pain and anger Fade, bringing sweet relief to me as they burst
blisters sear
Screaming at myself, bringing sweet relief to me as they burst
It bubbles up to the surface, pain and anger
Blisters sear, where i need it the most
pain and anger
it bubbles up to the surface
Pain and anger, all the fucked up fears, blisters sear
All the fucked up fears, where i need it the most
pain and anger
i m burning up
blisters sear
screaming at myself
bringing sweet relief to me as they burst
All the fucked up fears, all the fucked up fears
It bubbles up and it burns through all the fucked up fears, bringing sweet relief to me as they burst
bringing sweet relief to me as they burst
being healed away
Bringing sweet relief to me as they burst, pain and anger
Where i need it the most, bringing sweet relief to me as they burst
blisters sear
Bringing sweet relief to me as they burst, it bubbles up to the surface, blisters sear
Be careful what you wish for, pain and anger
where i need it the most
Screaming in myself, from the inside out
Being healed away, bringing sweet relief to me as they burst From, bringing sweet relief to me as they burst
It bubbles up and it burns, it bubbles up to the surface
Blisters sear, where i need it the most
it bubbles up and it burns