Текст песни
revel in the sacrilege
She shrieks and speaks in tongues, you re my goddess of blasphemy
from the adrenaline
Alive from the adrenaline, pleasure untellable, narcotic rush in her submission
Revel in the sacrilege, alive again from the adrenaline, alive from the adrenaline
Alive again from the adrenaline, alive again from the adrenaline, alive from the adrenaline
Revel in the sacrilege, built for sin
revel in the sacrilege
in the paradigm of sin
I m acquiesced in full, narcotic rush in her submission
paradise within my hands
Hearts beating with rage, pleasure untellable, you burned with pride with your skin in chains
i m the next sin that you indulge
I m grasping harder with every breath, you re my goddess of blasphemy
Hearts beating with rage, you re my goddess of blasphemy Fallujah, she shrieks and speaks in tongues
you burned with pride with your skin in chains
I m grasping harder with every breath, begging for the punishment
Hearts beating far from death, our lust is face to face
Alive from the adrenaline, she shrieks and speaks in tongues, pleasure untellable
from the adrenaline
I m grasping harder with every breath, i m acquiesced in full, narcotic rush in her submission
Alive from the adrenaline, revel in the sacrilege
you burned with pride with your skin in chains
She shrieks and speaks in tongues, how does it feel in someone else s hands, revel in the sacrilege
Begging for the punishment, alive again from the adrenaline
i m acquiesced in full
Narcotic rush in her submission, how does it feel in someone else s hands, how the nerves come alive in such decadence
I m acquiesced in full, paradise within my hands
How does it feel in someone else s hands, alive from the adrenaline
you re my goddess of blasphemy