Текст песни
Crack so the d.j, with his home made twin-decks
Immortal tommy k, crack so the d.j
tommy k the d
Tommy k tommy k, tommy k tommy k Farmer, lets call out his name
But one man kept it going, lets call out his name
He s brave and courageous, the times were different then, the dancing was in dance halls
we ll be all night wanting more
The dancing was in dance halls, give us the locomotion the, tommy k tommy k
The dancing was in dance halls, this songs in his memory
This songs in his memory, he ll be climbing up the hit parade, forever and a day
This songs in his memory, songs to keep us on the floor
It s not today nor yesterday, forever and a day
Tommy k tommy k, he s brave and courageous
Give us the mashed potato, when tommy s playing the records
Songs to keep us on the floor, and give us the words between the
Give us the mashed potato, with his home made twin-decks
it s not today nor yesterday
The dancing was in dance halls, songs to keep us on the floor
lets call out his name
helps us all to get along
Sound the bishop didn t like the, tommy k tommy k, lets call out his name
Give us the locomotion, the times were different then
And give us the words between the, give us the mashed potato
Tommy k tommy k, with his home made twin-decks
give us the mashed potato
Immortal tommy k, upright and strong
Gimme dancing shoes, give us the mashed potato
lets call out his name
he s brave and courageous
he ll be climbing up the hit parade
Give us the mashed potato, left the town
give us the boogalloo
he gives us inspiration
gimme dancing shoes
Crack so the d.j, when tommy s playing the records Farmer, give us the locomotion
We ll be all night wanting more, immortal tommy k
This songs in his memory, tommy k tommy k
And it had to stop for lent, give us the locomotion
This songs in his memory, helps us all to get along Farmer, gimme dancing shoes
and it had to stop for lent
With his home made twin-decks, he s brave and courageous
Songs to keep us on the floor, give us the mashed potato
And it had to stop for lent, but one man kept it going DJ, songs to keep us on the floor
crack so the d.j
This songs in his memory, sound the bishop didn t like the
with his home made twin-decks
Upright and strong, forever and a day, songs to keep us on the floor