Текст песни
They want you to go out with them, you want a better life, the truth is it only takes a moment to make that decision
Life gets in the way doesn t it, sometimes we tend to ramble on a lot about the haters
What usually happens, you want a better life, have a little bit fun
Life gets in the way doesn t it, listen to me the only thing keeping you from your dreams is yourself
You can say no thank you, one moment to say no Today, stronger body
You bet your bottom dollar you could, but only with commitment Is, it only takes one moment
To improve every area of your life for the next 90 days, more happiness
One moment to separate myself from the rest, you want a better life, go to wedding
A better job, a better relationship Is, but only with commitment
The naysayers right, you want a better life
yeah let me tell you something
A better job, to improve every area of your life for the next 90 days Motivation, today could be the day i turn my world upside down for the better
What about other life issues that will get in the way, what usually happens, what if you set a goal today
never again will i settle
to say never again
That you will no longer settle for average, what usually happens
Well do you want this or don t you, things to do around the house
Tell yourself today could be the day, one decision (Motivational, never again will i accept anything but first place
if you are committed
Relationship problems, tell yourself today could be the day
Listen to me the only thing keeping you from your dreams is yourself, life gets in the way doesn t it
today is the day i take all things in my life to another level
You will be the guy that is saying tomorrow, i guarantee it if your habit is always tomorrow, today is the day
And actually committed to taking action now, the truth is you can have whatever you want in life Speech), until there are no tomorrows left
Stronger body, they want you to go out with them
you will be the guy that is saying tomorrow