Текст песни
Decompress again pressure, space we re getting better all the time, space we re getting better all the time
Safe we re getting better all the time, safe we re getting better all the time Eclipse, you can try to change my day
Safe we re getting better all the time, safe we re getting better all the time
Safe we re getting better all the time, you and i used to meet the same
Space we re getting better all the time, lock me up and you watch me fade
You and i can emulate, space we re getting better all the time, you can try to change my day
Drift together, safe we re getting better all the time, safe we re getting better all the time
take control again
we can try to get away
Space we re getting better all the time, wrapped together in cellophane
connected once again
Space we re getting better all the time, safe we re getting better all the time, safe we re getting better all the time
Safe we re getting better all the time, space we re getting better all the time
Lock me up and you watch me fade, we re starting to descend
Safe we re getting better all the time, drift together
safe we re getting better all the time
We can try to get away, space we re getting better all the time
space we re getting better all the time
space we re getting better all the time
you and i can emulate
We can try to get away, we re starting to descend, take control again
Safe we re getting better all the time, space we re getting better all the time
safe we re getting better all the time
space we re getting better all the time
Space we re getting better all the time, lock me up and you watch me fade, safe we re getting better all the time
Space we re getting better all the time, space we re getting better all the time Feeder, space we re getting better all the time
We can try to get away, drift together, safe we re getting better all the time
Safe we re getting better all the time, drift together
Safe we re getting better all the time, we can try to get away, space we re getting better all the time
Safe we re getting better all the time, space we re getting better all the time
drift forever
wrapped together in cellophane
Drift forever, safe we re getting better all the time Feeder, space we re getting better all the time
Safe we re getting better all the time, we re starting to descend Eclipse, safe we re getting better all the time