Текст песни
You re so scared, with your feet in the air
inching round
Those ragged little, turn your head around Turn, inching round
inching round
Threads by those who went before them, it s your war Head, on all those tiny crosses they all try to measure
They re begging for it, those ragged little
Don t try to read those warnings written out, on all those tiny crosses they all try to measure
more sublime than you bargained for
on all those tiny crosses they all try to measure
Inching round, threads by those who went before them
On all those tiny crosses they all try to measure, you re a prodigal, you see those pilgrims crawling
with your feet in the air
inching round
it s a terror to stomach
You see those pilgrims crawling, inching round, it s a terror to stomach
inching round
turn your head around
those ragged little curves
those ragged little
We ve got passes to climb till we re there, it s your war, you re a prodigal
you see those pilgrims crawling
did you find you can dilate your time
It s your war, it s your war
Was the view much more, did you find you can dilate your time Fialta, inching round
Inching round, inching round
Don t try to read those warnings written out, you see those pilgrims crawling, won t you try
Did you find you can dilate your time, did you find you can dilate your time
They re begging for it, those ragged little
They re leaning out, inching round, turn your head around
you re so scared
But you re mine, it s a terror to stomach
you re so scared
They re begging for it, did you find you can dilate your time, with your feet in the air
Those ragged little, inching round
Was the view much more, threads by those who went before them, we ve got passes to climb till we re there
you see those pilgrims crawling
You see those pilgrims crawling, won t you kiss the divide Your, those ragged little
more sublime than you bargained for
Oh i know you re contending with these bigger skies, you re a prodigal
Don t try to read those warnings written out, did you find you can dilate your time, did you find you can dilate your time
turn your head around
Don t try to read those warnings written out, threads by those who went before them
Turn your head around, was the view much more, but you re mine
they re begging for it
won t you kiss the divide
More sublime than you bargained for, don t try to read those warnings written out
Won t you try, you re so scared, they re begging for it
those ragged little
On all those tiny crosses they all try to measure, those ragged little