Текст песни
you d better lock that mother down
we ve learned to sleep in separate beds
you d better knock that mother down
Says i hope you burn in hell, says i hope you burn in hell
And my god the bleeding smell, not let mother down, blinding is all it ever was
You ve got a blister on your earlobe, and all i ve got s a birthday card
And my god the bleeding smell, blinding is all it ever was
And my god the bleeding smell, holding slights burning nights was all it ever was
burrito trips and coffee ships the best they can provide
Butchers in coffee shops, it all seems so contrived, says i hope you burn in hell
you d better lock that mother down
You d better lock that mother down, you d better lock that mother down
you d better knock that mother down
Not let mother down, it all seems so contrived, restaurants and poker chips is all i d ever tried
All you ever seem to be is fighting, you d better lock that mother down, you d better lock that mother down
Two fingers in your eye, you d better lock that mother down, you d better lock that mother down
petrol sniffs and feline gifts
not let mother down
not let mother down
Not let mother down, all you ever seem to be is fighting
You d better lock that mother down, you d better lock that mother down
We ve learned to sleep in separate beds, and all i ve got s a birthday card
not let mother down
Not let mother down, says i hope you burn in hell
You d better knock that mother down, we ve learned a lot Carousel, all you ever seem to be is fighting
all you ever seem to be is fighting
butchers in coffee shops
it all seems so contrived
And all i ve got s a birthday card, and all i ve got s a birthday card
burrito trips and coffee ships the best they can provide
You ve learned a lot, we re no one can rejoin
all you ever seem to be is fighting
You d better lock that mother down, all you ever seem to be is fighting, you d better knock that mother down
you d better lock that mother down
Holding slights burning nights was all it ever was, it all seems so contrived, you d better lock that mother down
You d better knock that mother down, says i hope you burn in hell Carousel, not let mother down
restaurants and poker chips is all i d ever tried
Hairspray head and super ted is all we ever tried, you d better knock that mother down, all you ever seem to be is fighting
We ve learned a lot, we ve learned a lot
Says i hope you burn in hell, burrito trips and coffee ships the best they can provide Like, you d better knock that mother down
burrito trips and coffee ships the best they can provide
backward flips and ballroom dips
You d better knock that mother down, you d better lock that mother down, you d better knock that mother down
and my god the bleeding smell
Hairspray head and super ted is all we ever tried, says i hope you burn in hell
and my god the bleeding smell
We ve learned a lot, you d better knock that mother down
Backward flips and ballroom dips, you d better knock that mother down, blinding is all it ever was
You d better lock that mother down, you ve got a blister on your earlobe
You d better knock that mother down, all you ever seem to be is fighting Carousel, we ve learned to sleep in separate beds
We re no one can rejoin, you ve learned a lot Like, you d better lock that mother down
not let mother down
You ve learned a lot from all your friends, hairspray head and super ted is all we ever tried Like, you d better knock that mother down
Blinding is all it ever was, you d better knock that mother down
Petrol sniffs and feline gifts, you d better knock that mother down
it all seems so contrived