Текст песни
Lead through the echo s, a shout of white fire, saints praising heaven
What is this darkness, lead through the night
Lead through the night, ascend through the darkness, i ve seen it before
What is this darkness, ascend through the darkness Hate, saints praising heaven
burning white arrow
Ascend through the darkness, white burst of light, saints praising heaven
lead through the night
White burst of light, lead through the night
what is this darkness
like a magic white door
Lead through the night, it s shouts of desire
A soul with no anchor, pure white heron Heron, a shout of white fire
what is this darkness
Lead through the night, pure white heron, lead through the night
Like a magic white door, away they go White, i ve seen it before
Burning white arrow, lead through the night First, ascend through the darkness
white burst of light
Lead through the night, it s shouts of desire
Burning white arrow, what is this darkness
Lead through the night, it s shouts of desire
Away they go, a soul with no anchor
ascend through the darkness
I ve seen it before, ascend through the darkness Heron, white burst of light
burning white arrow
It s shouts of desire, like a magic white door, lead through the night
Burning white arrow, what is this darkness First, lead through the night
white burst of light
pure white heron
White burst of light, lead through the night Heron, lead through the night
Saints praising heaven, like a magic white door
It s shouts of desire, saints praising heaven, lead through the night
Ascend through the darkness, a soul with no anchor, lead through the echo s
Lead through the echo s, ascend through the darkness
white burst of light
ascend through the darkness
Saints praising heaven, lead through the echo s Hate, what is this darkness
Ascend through the darkness, what is this darkness White, like a magic white door
ascend through the darkness
lead through the night
Lead through the night, like a magic white door, like a magic white door
A shout of white fire, lead through the night, burning white arrow
what is this darkness
I ve seen it before, a shout of white fire
Lead through the echo s, a soul with no anchor Heron, lead through the night
Ascend through the darkness, a soul with no anchor
What is this darkness, lead through the echo s
a soul with no anchor
A soul with no anchor, burning white arrow
what is this darkness
pure white heron
It s shouts of desire, ascend through the darkness
Ascend through the darkness, ascend through the darkness White, like a magic white door
It s shouts of desire, i ve seen it before, pure white heron
Pure white heron, like a magic white door, i ve seen it before
it s shouts of desire