Текст песни
A dali or a picasso for his wall, a casio concerto entertains you while you hold, your mother and your family
Are you holding back tomorrow for today, that you sold out your tomorrow for big wedge
as god and his accountants drove away
It ll pay for his presidential campaign and his yacht, you ll sell the ground beneath your feet, your mother and your family
A dali or a picasso for his wall, you ll sell the world eventually, a dali or a picasso for his wall
you ll see him coast to coast on live tv
and we ll buy ourselves some heaven on earth
Driving in with big wedge, you ll sell your trees
As god and his accountants drove away, you ll sell the world eventually Fish, a priest got in a cadillac
The imf and cia there s just no difference they re all the same, looking good with big wedge, are we selling out tomorrow for today
Your credit rating s good for a madonna or a bardot, when you find out that you ve left it just too late
are you holding back tomorrow for today
a priest got in a cadillac
The shoe shine boy sang gospel, you ideals and integrity your culture and your history, and we ll buy ourselves some heaven on earth
they re driving in
Are we selling out tomorrow for today, and we all bow down, you ideals and integrity your culture and your history
a surgeon checks your plastic on the telephone
I found a new religion yesterday, are we selling out tomorrow for today
it ll pay for his presidential campaign and his yacht
you ideals and integrity your culture and your history
you ideals and integrity your culture and your history
That you sold out your tomorrow for big wedge, and we ll buy ourselves some heaven on earth, sell our souls for big wedge
Driving in with big wedge, and we ll buy ourselves some heaven on earth
It just depends on what s your point of view, are we selling out tomorrow for today
They re driving in, when you find out that you ve left it just too late
You re looking good, the imf and cia there s just no difference they re all the same, you ll see him coast to coast on live tv
Your children into slavery to labour in their factories, they re driving in, your mother and your family
A dali or a picasso for his wall, the shoe shine boy sang gospel
The shoe shine boy sang gospel, it ll pay for his presidential campaign and his yacht, rocked by satan just the night before
Like your hearts another day, and we ll buy ourselves some heaven on earth
It just depends on what s your point of view, they re driving in, that you sold out your tomorrow for big wedge
You ll see him coast to coast on live tv, it just depends on what s your point of view, looking good with big wedge
A casio concerto entertains you while you hold, i found a new religion yesterday
You re looking good, and find that you re the only one to blame Wedge, you ll see him coast to coast on live tv
rocked by satan just the night before
are you holding back tomorrow for today
and they re buying up your tomorrow with promises
Like your hearts another day, it just depends on what s your point of view, your credit rating s good for a madonna or a bardot
you ideals and integrity your culture and your history
it ll pay for his presidential campaign and his yacht
you ll see him coast to coast on live tv
You ll sell your oil, you ll sell the ground beneath your feet Big, the promises of big wedge and they ll break them
You ll sell your trees, and they re buying up your tomorrow with promises