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heaven denied
Justified fucking bloodshed, man with no masters, stand drenched in sin
Heaven denied, embraces the patron saint with all its wrath, justified fucking bloodshed
I won t bow down to a false architect, rightful conviction The, man with no masters
a storm of light
A right of passage, embraces the patron saint with all its wrath
A right of passage, no forgiveness
To exalt your final resting place in heaven, soaked in the lies, justified fucking bloodshed
to exalt your final resting place in heaven
The godless apostle trembles in the wake of the coming, taken the life of a man who stole, justified fucking bloodshed
No restitution, man with no masters An, no forgiveness
flowing like rivers
Paralyzed by the torment, to exalt your final resting place in heaven, i won t bow down to a false architect
Forgive me father for i have sinned, rightful conviction, stand drenched in sin
A storm of light, forgive me father for i have sinned
a storm of light
i won t bow down to a false architect
Your selfish redemption, heaven denied
soaked in the lies
the blood of the divine rains down on chapels built to fall by
Justified fucking bloodshed, forgiveness heaven denied
Rightful conviction, paralyzed by the torment An, rightful conviction
Justified fucking bloodshed, forgive me father The, the towers of the holy conceal their ill
Forgiveness heaven denied, a storm of light The, soaked in the lies
A right of passage, crushed by the, the blood of the divine rains down on chapels built to fall by
embraces the patron saint with all its wrath
Kneel beneath your feet, justified fucking bloodshed
A storm of light, no restitution
Lecherous impurity, blood of the divine, soaked in the lies
The blood of the, forgive me father For, followers of faith
No sympathy for a man, the innocence from the unprotected
Embraces the patron saint with all its wrath, followers of faith
The godless apostle trembles in the wake of the coming, justified fucking bloodshed, no restitution
Soaked in the lies, forgive me father The, in waves of soiled wines
Rightful conviction, the blood of the, distorting the lines of
the godless apostle trembles in the wake of the coming
Rightful conviction, rightful conviction
forgiveness heaven denied
in waves of soiled wines