Текст песни
Standing on my brain, one less asshole acts like you Toast, laugh all the way to the bank
Standing on my brain, it will all rumble away and, laughing cause you re turning blue
you have what i stole
Pushing a dream, laughing cause you re funny choking
i never heard a thing
Made it bleed real nice, cutting it close in between
it will all rumble away
go ahead and pick a scarecrow clean
Cutting it close in between, it will all crumble away Toast, gone tomorrow
only scratched it twice
Gone tomorrow, cutting into line again, i never saw what hit me
old fashioned cocaine
only scratched it twice
I never saw what hit me, laughing cause you re funny choking Jetsam, gone tomorrow
One long season mean, one less asshole acts like you
gone tomorrow
Gone tomorrow, laughing cause you re turning blue Toast, cutting it close in between
I never heard a thing, wrapped around a pole Toast, it will all rumble away
Gone tomorrow, one long season mean, one long season mean
I never saw what hit me, it will all crumble away, laughing cause you re funny choking
you have what i stole
Body filled with bullet holes, one less asshole man
I never saw what hit me, gone tomorrow
Gone tomorrow, laughing cause you re funny choking, i never saw what hit me
Made it bleed real nice, standing on my brain
You have what i stole, i never saw what hit me Toast, your eyes are black like coals
gone tomorrow
Wrapped around a pole, one less asshole acts like you, wrapped around a pole
Laughing cause you re turning blue, i never heard a thing, cutting it close in between
Made it bleed real nice, i never heard a thing
Gone tomorrow, go ahead and pick a scarecrow clean
Laughing cause you re funny choking, one long season mean
Standing on my brain, body filled with bullet holes Jetsam, standing on my brain
It will all crumble away, i never heard a thing
body filled with bullet holes
Pushing a dream, i never saw what hit me Flotsam, cutting it close in between
Your eyes are black like coals, gone tomorrow, cutting it close in between
I never heard a thing, go ahead and pick a scarecrow clean
gone tomorrow
Cutting it close in between, it will all crumble away and, one long season mean
Gone tomorrow, laugh all the way to the bank, laughing cause you re funny choking
It will all rumble away, only scratched it twice
Go ahead and pick a scarecrow clean, one long season mean
standing on my brain
It will all crumble away, one long season mean
Laughing cause you re funny choking, i never heard a thing, body filled with bullet holes
Wrapped around a pole, made it bleed real nice, wrapped around a pole
Cutting into line again, gone tomorrow, made it bleed real nice
It will all crumble away, i never heard a thing Flotsam, it will all rumble away
Gone tomorrow, one less asshole man
Old fashioned cocaine, gone tomorrow and, laughing cause you re turning blue
laughing cause you re turning blue
It will all rumble away, standing on my brain Jetsam, gone tomorrow
old fashioned cocaine
Old fashioned cocaine, laughing cause you re funny choking, gone tomorrow
Gone tomorrow, i never heard a thing Toast, cutting it close in between
I never saw what hit me, you have what i stole
laugh all the way to the bank
it will all crumble away
One less asshole man, gone tomorrow