Текст песни
slow motion realities starts to unfold
it all plays on the conscience
reaching out for something to hold
why is the past so pristine
why is the impact so immense
Bottomless regret, so this is what it be like DET, why make it less
It s always on my conscience, one day soon we ll catch up again
it s always on my conscience
Bottomless regret, bottomless regret, it all weighs on my conscience
Why make it less, it all plays on the conscience, maybe because i worry it could have been me instead
Maybe because i worry it could have been me instead, slow motion realities starts to unfold
Why is the impact so immense, it s always on my conscience Up, why is the impact so immense
The floor drops out at the brink, endless potential, why is the impact so immense
life is so fleeting
Surging emotion obscures the view, maybe because i worry it could have been me instead
It all plays on the conscience, condolences are sputtered and meek
surging emotion obscures the view
why is the impact so immense
endless potential
It all plays on the conscience, it all plays on the conscience
Endless potential, endless potential, maybe because i worry it could have been me instead
Endless potential, a white pulse made out of screams
It all weighs on my conscience, maybe because i worry it could have been me instead
it all weighs on my conscience
A white pulse made out of screams, why is the past so pristine
maybe i know it could have been me instead
Why is the impact so immense, slow motion realities starts to unfold
endless potential
One day soon we ll catch up again, maybe because i worry it could have been me instead
why make it less
Why make it less, everything bathed in a harsh bright light Up, the brightest stars start to sink
Awkward words with forgotten friends, life is so fleeting Fucked, awkward words with forgotten friends
It all plays on the conscience, why make it less
It all weighs on my conscience, bottomless regret, it all plays on the conscience
one day soon we ll catch up again
So this is what it be like, it all plays on the conscience
Slow motion realities starts to unfold, condolences are sputtered and meek
why make it less
Bottomless regret, why is the impact so immense
Why is the impact so immense, it s always on my conscience
it all plays on the conscience
maybe i know it could have been me instead
Why is the impact so immense, maybe i know it could have been me instead, everything bathed in a harsh bright light
It all plays on the conscience, endless potential, a white pulse made out of screams
So this is what it be like, everything bathed in a harsh bright light, things look slightly askew
one day soon we ll catch up again
it all plays on the conscience
life is so fleeting