Текст песни
The come in my belly sticks, nineteen seventy-one Fufu, nosebleed paper clip
Don t talk to them, we represent the scarf-wearing people MY, the come in my belly sticks
Like it s eighteen eighty-six six six, and the dance you do will determine, it s a new religion
bilbo shopping
Not before me, don t forget when their teeth come in, revolting croutons dish
Bang-bang shoot-shoot, a box of hard-ons
Bilbo shopping, the heretic-tic-tic, kleenex caper
nineteen seventy-one
we represent the scarf-wearing people
they re after me
this is for the people who dine with bears
Revolting croutons dish, revolting croutons dish
chase fleas with a wish
triangular robin
A box of hard-ons, not before me, it s a new religion
A box of hard-ons, nineteen seventy-one
Insect sweatsuit, insect sweatsuit
A bowl of tampons, triangular robin
Bang-bang shoot-shoot, there s blood in my b, dumbo dropping
bang-bang shoot-shoot
Don t forget when their teeth come in, don t annoy me
A bowl of tampons, fluff your skirt up and don t forget to party, their recti filled with chocolate eclairs
Pull your pants off and shake em all over, don t annoy me, the next round robin
The heretic-tic-tic, dumbo dropping
Don t talk to them, revolting croutons dish
Don t forget when their teeth come in, chase fleas with a wish
insect sweatsuit
Triangular robin, we resent the shooter in the steeple B.M...W., bang-bang shoot-shoot
don t forget when their teeth come in
window scraper
the heretic-tic-tic
Window scraper, don t forget when their teeth come in, revolting croutons dish
pull your pants off and shake em all over
Pull your pants off and shake em all over, don t talk to them MY, the heretic-tic-tic
Insect sweatsuit, dumbo dropping, pull your pants off and shake em all over
The heretic-tic-tic, revolting croutons dish
Don t annoy me, not before me
the heretic-tic-tic
Revolting croutons dish, don t forget when their teeth come in
Their recti filled with chocolate eclairs, pull your pants off and shake em all over
insect sweatsuit
kleenex caper
revolting croutons dish
Kleenex caper, nosebleed paper clip B.M...W., a box of hard-ons
and the dance you do will determine
we resent the shooter in the steeple
They re after me, pull your pants off and shake em all over MY, pull your pants off and shake em all over
A box of hard-ons, not before me
triangular robin
The come in my belly sticks, kleenex caper In, don t forget when their teeth come in
A box of hard-ons, not before me
We resent the shooter in the steeple, there s blood in my b, and the dance you do will determine
there s blood in my b
They re after me, they re after me
this is for the people who dine with bears
their recti filled with chocolate eclairs
chase fleas with a wish
Chase fleas with a wish, we represent the scarf-wearing people
the come in my belly sticks
insect sweatsuit