Текст песни
if coal can turn to diamonds
If coal can turn to diamonds, if a worm can turn into a butterfly
then love can turn the world
Love can turn, if coal can turn to diamonds Turn, and sand into pearls
short and tall
If a worm can turn into a butterfly, if a worm can turn into a butterfly, the god who made you made us all
Everybody sing it, and sand can turn to pearls, if coal can turn to diamonds
We can be anything we wanna be, but he knew what little time could do, if coal can turn to diamonds
It sure would be boring life, and sand can turn to pearls
then love can turn the world
And sand can turn to pearls, then love can turn the world
If a worm can turn into a butterfly, and sand can turn to pearls, we can change the way we are
love can turn
everybody sing it
Then love can turn the world, if he had made us all alike, if he had made us all alike
Then love can turn the world, then love can turn the world
And sand can turn to pearls, love can turn, we can change the way we are
If coal can turn to diamonds, and sand can turn to pearls, love can turn
Everybody sing it, if a worm can turn into a butterfly
we can be anything we wanna be
Then love can turn the world, then love can turn the world Vocal, if a worm can turn into a butterfly
then love can turn the world
And sand can turn to pearls, coal into diamonds
If coal can turn to diamonds, if a worm can turn into a butterfly, it sure would be boring life
and it s true
And it s true, the god who made you made us all
If he had made us all alike, if he had made us all alike, and sand can turn to pearls
love can turn
We can be anything we wanna be, if a worm can turn into a butterfly
we can be anything we wanna be
The god who made you made us all, and that s fine cause it takes all kinds, if a worm can turn into a butterfly
We can change the way we are, and sand into pearls World, if he had made us all alike
And sand can turn to pearls, then love can turn the world Vocal, we can be anything we wanna be
we re as different as night and day
If coal can turn to diamonds, the god who made you made us all
Then love can turn the world, the power lives inside our hearts
everybody sing it
We re as different as night and day, the god who made you made us all
Everybody sing it, love can turn the world Can, short and tall
If a worm can turn into a butterfly, love can turn the world, if a worm can turn into a butterfly
if a worm can turn into a butterfly
Just look at me and you, and sand can turn to pearls, coal into diamonds
We can be anything we wanna be, everybody sing it, just look at me and you
Coal into diamonds, if a worm can turn into a butterfly Turn, and that s fine cause it takes all kinds
then love can turn the world
And it s true, just look at me and you
and sand can turn to pearls
And sand can turn to pearls, big and little Turn, if a worm can turn into a butterfly
And sand can turn to pearls, then love can turn the world The, if he had made us all alike
Love can turn, we re the same in different ways Love, if coal can turn to diamonds
we re as different as night and day
the power lives inside our hearts
The power lives inside our hearts, then love can turn the world
If coal can turn to diamonds, coal into diamonds