Текст песни
Don t you feel so fine, don t you feel so fine Begin, forever have a good time
Can you feel the other place, no reason to be ashamed
No reason to be sad, the music is deep inside
the music is deep inside
Don t you feel so fine, can you feel the other place So,, i just want to be happy now
I just want to be happy now, so baby can you try, don t you feel so fine
i just want to be happy now
I just want to be happy now, can you feel the other place
I just want to be happy now, no reason to be ashamed, can you feel the other place
I just want to be happy now, can you feel the other place
can you feel the other place
so baby can you try
no reason to be sad
The music is deep inside, no reason to be ashamed So,, can you feel the other place
so baby can you try
forever have a good time
Don t you feel so fine, so baby can you try, no reason to be sad
no reason to be sad
i just want to be happy now
Can you feel the other place, no reason to be sad
I just want to be happy now, the music is deep inside
don t you feel so fine
Can you feel the other place, don t you feel so fine
So baby can you try, the music is deep inside, can you feel the other place
Forever have a good time, the music is deep inside, forever have a good time
no reason to be sad
don t you feel so fine
No reason to be sad, forever have a good time Galleon, don t you feel so fine
so baby can you try
the music is deep inside
No reason to be sad, the music is deep inside
Can you feel the other place, the music is deep inside, so baby can you try
Can you feel the other place, the music is deep inside, i just want to be happy now
so baby can you try
So baby can you try, the music is deep inside, no reason to be sad