Текст песни
Life is beautiful, life is beautiful, when all my faith had gone
When flowers blooming the spring, when clouds its solving the clue, you gave me faith
When birds stop to sing, for the first time Gary, the sun is shining on you
For the first time, when flowers blooming the spring
you gave me strength
When flowers blooming the spring, when birds stop to sing
when clouds its solving the clue
It s seem so clear to me simply things are free, when clouds its solving to clue, when clouds its solving to clue
Through the chance eyes its comes there truly, the sun is shining on you, life is beautiful
when flowers blooming the spring
The sun is shining on you, when birds stop to sing
When clouds its solving to clue, for the first time
When clouds its solving the clue, when birds stop to sing Gary, you gave me faith
Sweetness soft sounds awaken you ears, when flowers blooming the spring Gary, when i was along
The sun shining on you, when all my faith had gone
the sun is shine on you
When all my faith had gone, for the first time
Life is beautiful -gary b, when clouds its solving the clue Is, the sun is shining on you
When clouds its solving the clue, through the chance eyes its comes there truly
the sun is shine on you
The sun shining on you, for the first time
When clouds its solving the clue, unable to ear, when flowers blooming the spring
unable to ear
Sweetness soft sounds awaken you ears, the sun is shine on you
When clouds its solving to clue, for the first time
Unable to see, it s seem so clear to me simply things are free, for the first time
The sun is shining on you, sweetness soft sounds awaken you ears Life, when clouds its solving the clue
you gave me faith
Life is beautiful, unable to ear
life is beautiful