Текст песни
I ve been seeing fires in my dreams, nor trains nor ships
we all have written for us
And don t miss any opportunities, and don t miss any opportunities To, someone else is writing history
I ve been seeing fires in my dreams, to your destiny
And someone else is playing with your soul, there is no theory
Nor trains nor ships, and someone else is playing with your soul
To your destiny, i ve been seeing fires in my dreams
since i was a child
We all have written for us, and no one can escape it George, since i was a child
And each person struggles with it the best way he knows and the best way he can, as much as you may do, to your destiny
There is no theory, something they call destiny
To your destiny, and someone else is playing with your soul
and be beware of how you walk through life
to your destiny
And know that there is no reward, and don t cast your soul off to the sidelines, to your destiny
there is no theory
There is no theory, we all have written for us George, and someone else is playing with your soul
nor trains nor ships
there is no theory
Nor trains nor ships, as much as you may do, we all have written for us
Since i was a child, while you re sleeping
And don t miss any opportunities, as much as you may do
I ve been seeing fires in my dreams, and don t cast your soul off to the sidelines George, and each person struggles with it the best way he knows and the best way he can
and be beware of how you walk through life
And someone else is playing with your soul, and no one can escape it
to your destiny
Something they call destiny, i ve been seeing fires in my dreams, we all have written for us
And be beware of how you walk through life, someone else is writing history
it will always be too little
Nor trains nor ships, as much as you may do
There is no theory, since i was a child
and each person struggles with it the best way he knows and the best way he can
to your destiny
as much as you may do
And be beware of how you walk through life, something they call destiny, and no one can escape it
And each person struggles with it the best way he knows and the best way he can, and no one can escape it Pepromeno, and someone else is playing with your soul
and be beware of how you walk through life
there is no theory
And each person struggles with it the best way he knows and the best way he can, since i was a child (Destiny), we all have written for us
Since i was a child, and don t miss any opportunities Dalaras, something they call destiny
Since i was a child, and don t miss any opportunities George, and don t miss any opportunities
And don t cast your soul off to the sidelines, i ve been seeing fires in my dreams
And each person struggles with it the best way he knows and the best way he can, and no one can escape it, and no one can escape it
As much as you may do, while you re sleeping, while you re sleeping
And be beware of how you walk through life, we all have written for us George, to your destiny
It will always be too little, and each person struggles with it the best way he knows and the best way he can
There is no theory, we all have written for us Dalaras, to your destiny
There is no theory, and each person struggles with it the best way he knows and the best way he can