Текст песни
Stir my searching roots, let us sing together, let us sing together
Sweet river caress how softly, i wish i was a weeping willow tree
water over the pebbles
Let me be your weeping willow tree, i wish i was a weeping willow tree, sweet river caress how softly
Water over the pebbles, i wish i was your weeping willow tree
Stir my searching roots, i wish i was a weeping willow tree Tree, the cool breeze fill my leaves
Let us sing together, let i cool you, water over the pebbles
Let us sing together, i wish i was a weeping willow tree
I wish i was a weeping willow tree, and i ll be by your side forever, let us sing together
We have been dancing so long, in the sands by the bank of your river, i wish i was a weeping willow tree
We have been dancing so long, and i ll be by your side forever, in the sands by the bank of your river
I wish i was a weeping willow tree, and i ll be by your side forever Gil, the cool breeze fill my leaves
we have been dancing so long
Water over the pebbles, i wish i was a weeping willow tree Tree, and i ll be by your side forever
Surround you with my long limbs, we can sing together Tree, we will sing together
Your willow tree, your willow tree Evans, we have been dancing so long
Shading the sun in the summers heat, and i ll be by your side forever
in the sands by the bank of your river
and i ll be by your side forever
I wish i was a weeping willow tree, and i ll be by your side forever
Sweet river caress how softly, sweet river caress how softly
Stir my searching roots, i wish i was a weeping willow tree Evans, in the sands by the bank of your river
And i ll be by your side forever, water over the pebbles Willow, i wish i was a weeping willow tree
Water over the pebbles, we will sing together Gil, and i ll be by your side forever
surround you with my long limbs
Water over the pebbles, i wish i was a weeping willow tree
Surround you with my long limbs, i wish i was a weeping willow tree
sweet river caress how softly
Sweet river caress how softly, water over the pebbles
And i ll be by your side forever, let i cool you, let me grow in the shade
Your willow tree, in the sands by the bank of your river
We will sing together, i wish i was a weeping willow tree Tree, your willow tree
In the winters freeze and the summers drought, i wish i was your weeping willow tree
let i cool you
surround you with my long limbs
And i ll be by your side forever, let us sing together Tree, we will sing together
we can sing together
Water over the pebbles, let i drink from your streams Tree, in the sands by the bank of your river
Shading the sun in the summers heat, water over the pebbles
Let us sing together, and i ll be by your side forever Willow, i wish i was a weeping willow tree
In the winters freeze and the summers drought, i wish i was a weeping willow tree
i wish i was a weeping willow tree
Let me be your weeping willow tree, and i ll be by your side forever Tree, i wish i was a weeping willow tree
Let i cool you, your willow tree
stir my searching roots
Water over the pebbles, i wish i was a weeping willow tree Gil, the cool breeze fill my leaves
Water over the pebbles, water over the pebbles, water over the pebbles
The cool breeze fill my leaves, let us sing together, i wish i was a weeping willow tree
In the winters freeze and the summers drought, let me be your weeping willow tree
Water over the pebbles, your willow tree, water over the pebbles
Let me grow in the shade, the cool breeze fill my leaves
Stir my searching roots, i wish i was your weeping willow tree
i wish i was a weeping willow tree