Текст песни
restart my heart
what we mean
Round and round and round we go, to save my mind from what i ve heard
To save my mind from what i ve heard, round and round and round we go, and what i say
You and i will die and make history, to save my mind from what i ve heard
what we mean
You and i will die and make history, and where we stop nobody knows, what we mean
restart my heart now
You can t see me, round and round and round we go Pravado, round and round and round we go
Round and round and round we go, and what i say Glassjaw, restart my heart now
You and i will die and make history, to save my mind from what i ve heard Glassjaw, what i redeem
Restart my heart now, you and i will die and make history
restart my heart now
what we mean
Restart my heart, yeah yeah yeah
what we mean
What i redeem, yeah yeah yeah Pravado, restart my heart now
Yeah yeah yeah, and what i pay, restart my heart now please
and where we stop nobody knows
Round and round and round we go, to save my mind from what i ve heard, to save my mind from what i ve heard
What i redeem, what i redeem, you can t see me
And where we stop nobody knows, restart my heart, and what i say
Restart my heart now, what i redeem, you can t see me
Restart my heart, you and i will die and make history
You and i will die and make history, you can t see me
Yeah yeah yeah, what i redeem Pravado, restart my heart now please
You and i will die and make history, what we mean Glassjaw, you and i will die and make history
What i redeem, what i redeem
You can t see me, restart my heart now
Yeah yeah yeah, you can t see me
and what i pay
And where we stop nobody knows, and where we stop nobody knows Glassjaw, yeah yeah yeah
What we mean, and what i pay, to save my mind from what i ve heard
Restart my heart now, and where we stop nobody knows, yeah yeah yeah
And what i say, you and i will die and make history, and what i say
To save my mind from what i ve heard, you and i will die and make history
To save my mind from what i ve heard, what we mean Glassjaw, restart my heart now
Yeah yeah yeah, what we mean Glassjaw, round and round and round we go
you and i will die and make history
to save my mind from what i ve heard
Restart my heart now please, you and i will die and make history
Restart my heart now, restart my heart
You and i will die and make history, you and i will die and make history
and where we stop nobody knows
restart my heart now
to save my mind from what i ve heard
restart my heart now please