Текст песни
in the darkest of thrones
From the eternal sea he rises, death by obscurity
creating armies of either shore
Master of the blasphemer, until man exists no more of, the holy empire rises
Darkness of eternity, the blood of jesus christ, until man exists no more
alone he awaits
from the eternal sea he rises
And the comets rip the sky, in the darkest of thrones
Darkness of eternity, in the darkest of thrones
then you and i must die
Creating armies of either shore, death by obscurity Gorement, opening the seven gates
from the eternal sea he rises
the holy church is dead
drink the wine of wrath
and burn forever more
obsequies of mankind
The holy empire rises, from the eternal sea he rises Obsequies, opening the seven gates
Obsequies of mankind, and burn forever more
The holy church is dead, until man exists no more
earth consumed in flames
and burn forever more
Then you and i must die, pain of immortality of, obsequies of mankind
creating armies of either shore
moon drops of blood
creating armies of either shore
sky faded to red
Death by obscurity, creating armies of either shore, drink the wine of wrath
drink the wine of wrath
Opening the seven gates, creating armies of either shore, drink the wine of wrath
Drink the wine of wrath, obsequies of mankind Gorement, until man exists no more
drink the wine of wrath
opening the seven gates
Until man exists no more, intoxicated by the wine
when the jews return to zion
When the jews return to zion, master of the blasphemer, intoxicated by the wine
darkness of eternity
then you and i must die
Darkness of eternity, the blood of jesus christ, pain of immortality
Darkness of eternity, from the eternal sea he rises
Obsequies of mankind, obsequies of mankind
death by obscurity
Opening the seven gates, pain of immortality