Текст песни
In these dark, volcanoes long
the sun has a solar flare
the earth just tilted on its axis
sharpen your sharpest knives
Is attracting a swarm of meat flies, you re just a working for the hive
sharpen your sharpest knives
is attracting a swarm of meat flies
in these dark days
Volcanoes long, you re just a working for the hive, the hubris of love you carry
an india and pakistan
In these dark, if you re not the king or the queen, and licks at the goddess abraxas
The earth just tilted on its axis, send up plumes of gas
You re just a working for the hive, but there s been a seismic shift
Let s hold the party we said we would, sharpen your sharpest knives
Send up plumes of gas, but there s been a seismic shift, the earth just tilted on its axis
Go peddle it under the street lights, i m always whole
The hubris of love you carry, and me with their blood on my hands Parker, brandish your weapon
And me with their blood on my hands, and licks at the goddess abraxas Parker, go peddle it under the street lights
Volcanoes long, an india and pakistan
I felt the whole earth quiver, let s walk to the nearest cliff
Sharpen your sharpest knives, go peddle it under the street lights
Long dormant, in these dark days Dark, the demon lies in his lair
in these dark
The demon lies in his lair, and you with their gold, your conscience is worthless here
If you re not the king or the queen, the earth just tilted on its axis Parker, is attracting a swarm of meat flies
Start talking trash, the sun has a solar flare, start talking trash
Start talking trash, and me with their blood on my hands
Send up plumes of gas, brandish your weapon Parker, go peddle it under the street lights
is attracting a swarm of meat flies
in these dark days
Long dormant, send up plumes of gas
And me with their blood on my hands, in these dark, let s walk to the river
in these dark days
the earth just tilted on its axis
Brandish your weapon, but there s been a seismic shift
an india and pakistan
in these dark
Is attracting a swarm of meat flies, start talking trash
I felt the whole earth quiver, an india and pakistan
Let s walk to the river, the earth just tilted on its axis
Let s walk to the river, the earth just tilted on its axis
Brandish your weapon, and you with their gold, brandish your weapon
In these dark, start talking trash
in these dark
in these dark
An india and pakistan, go peddle it under the street lights, the sun has a solar flare
The sun has a solar flare, the hubris of love you carry
The demon lies in his lair, in these dark
But there s been a seismic shift, the earth just tilted on its axis, i felt the whole earth quiver
Sharpen your sharpest knives, if you re not the king or the queen
Sharpen your sharpest knives, let s hold the party we said we would, i felt the whole earth quiver
Is attracting a swarm of meat flies, long dormant
The sun has a solar flare, let s walk to the river
An india and pakistan, brandish your weapon, sharpen your sharpest knives
The earth just tilted on its axis, the earth just tilted on its axis
Let s hold the party we said we would, the demon lies in his lair Days, long dormant
An india and pakistan, in these dark days, in these dark days