Текст песни
You got to be kidding, you got to be putting me on you got to be stringing me along, you got to be joking when you shrug off any doubt
playing baby when there s no one there oh yeah
You got to be putting me on you got to be stringing me along, you got to be putting me on you got to be stringing me along
second verse minus the passing chords
Second verse minus the passing chords, you got to be kidding putting prices on yourself Parker, hey hey yeah la la la la oh oh la la la la la la la la la la
You got to be kidding baby and there ain t no doubt, you got to be kidding telling me there s no one else
Hey hey yeah la la la la oh oh la la la la la la la la la la, yeah you got to be kidding
You got to be kidding hmm you got to be kidding yeah, you got to be kidding baby and there ain t no doubt Parker, second verse minus the passing chords
You got to be kidding telling me there s no one else, you got to be kidding hmm you got to be kidding yeah
You got to be building a wall inside that endless empty hall, you got to be building a wall inside that endless empty hall, you got to be kidding hmm you got to be kidding yeah
you got to be kidding anyway to feel you belong yeah
Hoaxing honey and it just ain t fair, la la you got to be kidding when you say your line is cast, you got to be kidding anyway to be here at all yeah
you got to be kidding when you say that this will last
Second verse minus the passing chords, you got to be kidding baby and there ain t no doubt Graham, you got to be kidding telling me there s no one else
you got to be building a wall inside that endless empty hall
You got to be putting me on you got to be stringing me along, hey hey yeah la la la la oh oh la la la la la la la la la la, you got to be kidding any way to feel you belong
la la you got to be kidding when you say your line is cast
playing baby when there s no one there oh yeah
you got to be kidding putting prices on yourself
hoaxing honey and it just ain t fair
hey hey yeah la la la la oh oh la la la la la la la la la la
Hey hey yeah la la la la oh oh la la la la la la la la la la, playing baby when there s no one there oh yeah To, you got to be kidding anyway to be here at all yeah
You got to be kidding anyway to be here at all yeah, you got to be kidding hmm you got to be kidding yeah
You got to be putting me on you got to be stringing me alone, you got to be kidding putting prices on yourself Got, you got to be putting me on you got to be stringing me along
you got to be putting me on you got to be stringing me alone
You got to be putting me on you got to be stringing me along, second verse minus the passing chords, hey hey yeah la la la la oh oh la la la la la la la la la la
Yeah you got to be kidding, yeah you got to be kidding, you got to be building a wall inside that endless empty hall
Fooling yeah when the truth comes out, you got to be kidding telling me there s no one else Parker, you got to be kidding any way to feel you belong
You got to be kidding, you got to be building a wall inside that endless empty hall
Yeah you got to be kidding, you got to be joking when you shrug off any doubt, you got to be kidding when you say that this will last
You got to be putting me on you got to be stringing me along, playing baby when there s no one there oh yeah Graham, playing baby when there s no one there oh yeah
You got to be kidding, you got to be joking telling me you have worked this out
You got to be kidding when you say that this will last, yeah you got to be kidding Parker, you got to be kidding when you say that this will last
you got to be kidding hmm you got to be kidding yeah
You got to be joking when you shrug off any doubt, you got to be kidding putting prices on yourself
you got to be building a wall inside that endless empty hall
Hey hey yeah la la la la oh oh la la la la la la la la la la, you got to be kidding anyway to feel you belong yeah
You got to be joking when you shrug off any doubt, you got to be building a wall inside that endless empty hall You've, hey hey yeah la la la la oh oh la la la la la la la la la la
you got to be kidding anyway to be here at all yeah
you got to be joking when you shrug off any doubt
la la you got to be kidding when you say your line is cast
you got to be building a wall inside that endless empty hall
You got to be kidding, you got to be kidding telling me there s no one else
Second verse minus the passing chords, you got to be building a wall inside that endless empty hall Parker, second verse minus the passing chords
You got to be kidding, you got to be kidding telling me there s no one else, you got to be kidding any way to feel you belong
hoaxing honey and it just ain t fair
You got to be joking anyway to be here at all, you got to be joking when you shrug off any doubt
You got to be joking when you shrug off any doubt, you got to be joking when you shrug off any doubt
You got to be kidding baby and there ain t no doubt, you got to be joking when you shrug off any doubt
You got to be building a wall inside that endless empty hall, yeah you got to be kidding
Yeah you got to be kidding, you got to be kidding hmm you got to be kidding yeah, you got to be kidding when you say that this will last
Hoaxing honey and it just ain t fair, yeah you got to be kidding, you got to be joking when you shrug off any doubt
You got to be joking anyway to be here at all, hoaxing honey and it just ain t fair
you got to be building a wall inside that endless empty hall
You got to be kidding hmm you got to be kidding yeah, you got to be putting me on you got to be stringing me along
you got to be kidding telling me there s no one else
You got to be kidding hmm you got to be kidding yeah, you got to be joking anyway to be here at all
yeah you got to be kidding
You got to be kidding hmm you got to be kidding yeah, you got to be joking anyway to be here at all
You got to be putting me on you got to be stringing me alone, la la you got to be kidding when you say your line is cast, you got to be joking telling me you have worked this out