Текст песни
I wonder why in la, i wonder why in la, to live and die n la
But now my mouth is dark, i wonder where you want to stay L.A., full of beaujoulais
I wonder why in la, prepping food for days
shredding food
but now my mouth is dark
But now my mouth is dark, i want you you, to live and die in la
To live and die n la, i wonder why in la
To live and die in la, i wonder why in la
Shredding food, i want you you
i wonder where you want to stay
to tell the truth today
plastic coolers
Prepping food for days, i wonder why in la Why, to live and die in la
i wonder why in la
Shredding food, to live and die in la
i laughed hard
Shredding food, to tell the truth today
To live and die n la, to live and die in la
To live and die in la, to live and die in la, why you moved from colorado
Why you moved from colorado, prepping food for days Grandaddy, and just go away
Why you moved from colorado, and just go away
To live and die in la, when it s gone
I wonder why in la, i wonder why in la, i wonder why in la
i want you you
And just go away, plastic coolers
I wonder why in la, but now my mouth is dark Wonder, i wonder why in la
i wonder why in la
why you moved from colorado
I wonder why in la, shredding food
I wonder where you want to stay, i wonder why in la Grandaddy, prepping food for days
to live and die in la
To live and die in la, i wonder why in la
but now my mouth is dark
I wonder why in la, i wonder why in la Wonder, shredding food
to live and die in la
full of beaujoulais
To live and die in la, to live and die in la, why you moved from colorado
But now my mouth is dark, i wonder why in la
I wonder why in la, i laughed hard
On your small guitar, i wonder where you want to stay
To live and die in la, on your small guitar Why, i wonder why in la
I laughed hard, shredding food, i wonder why in la
Full of beaujoulais, prepping food for days
To tell the truth today, i want you you L.A., and just go away
I wonder where you want to stay, to live and die in la, i wonder why in la
Plastic coolers, but now my mouth is dark
To live and die in la, i want you you Grandaddy, to live and die n la
To live and die in la, i wonder where you want to stay, and just go away
to live and die in la
To live and die in la, shredding food Why, to live and die in la
I want you you, i wonder why in la
to live and die in la
Why you moved from colorado, shredding food
To live and die in la, i wonder why in la
and just go away
I wonder why in la, shredding food
On your small guitar, shredding food, i laughed hard
I wonder where you want to stay, i laughed hard
To live and die in la, i wonder why in la, i want you you