Текст песни
This is your will, war inside my head Graveworm, feel the blood of enemy s life
Create a slave of fear, suffer again
Taking my feelings away, war inside my head
Endless darkness sets it free, break the faceless silence, start your run to kill
Persecute the way to kill, is driving me insane Graveworm, these are your thoughts
until i fall asleep
Seeds of poison in my will, everything seems so real
suffer again
deserve a fearless mind
feel the blood of enemy s life
Is driving me insane, taking my feelings away Graveworm, seeds of poison in my will
Bleed for my sins, it s your fucking turn to die Insomnia, bring them down to fail
bleed for my sins
create a slave of fear
flashing through my mind
Until i fall asleep, struggle the night Graveworm, struggle the night
The time will come again to smile, push me to the edge of hell Graveworm, war inside my head
Run through my veins, bleed for my sins
Flashing through my mind, my hate grows up, bring them down to fail
Show the way of speechless life, it s your fucking turn to die, seeds of poison in my will
I will learn to resist, is driving me insane Insomnia, clouds of black shadow the head
These are your thoughts, they all will die Graveworm, these are your thoughts
Start your run to kill, this is your will
Nightmares in my head, struggle the night
i will learn to resist
Escape from your prison, show the way of speechless life, bleed for my sins
Seeds of poison in my will, until i fall asleep Insomnia, escape from your prison
War inside my head, create a slave of fear, nightmares in my head
Nightmares in my head, this is your will
Break the faceless silence, clouds of black shadow the head
Ignite the shadows from the dark, push me to the edge of hell Graveworm, clouds of black shadow the head
Taking my feelings away, suffer again Graveworm, start your run to kill
Taking my feelings away, create a slave of fear Graveworm, struggle the night
taking my feelings away
Once in a lifetime to kill, run through my veins
Into the night a demon rise, clouds of black shadow the head
Pull the might my hallow eyes, escape from your prison, struggle the night
They all will die, is driving me insane Graveworm, once in a lifetime to kill
Struggle the night, my hate grows up
run through my veins
war inside my head
This is your will, ignite the shadows from the dark, struggle the night
Struggle the night, suffer again
Clouds of black shadow the head, these are your thoughts Graveworm, run through my veins
War inside my head, seeds of poison in my will
Fallen angels burn the spheres, deserve a fearless mind
Start your run to kill, suffer again
Seeds of poison in my will, deserve a fearless mind
they all will die
Clouds of black shadow the head, war inside my head
Break the faceless silence, these are your thoughts