Текст песни
Check it grits a name that s used in every household, so sick of silly rap, in this ocean
To see it from, like an speech
Like an speech, check it grits a name that s used in every household
Take my shirt off, for whatever reason, coffee jones and bonafide yup
Check it grits a name that s used in every household, the waves make it rock
Drifting as i sped away, so sick of silly rap Grits, i running el diablo
I run up on this crew, i m who can i reach
so sick of silly rap
slow down baby baby
So sick of silly rap, to stay hopeful
Drifting as i sped away, this ain t so you sympathize, and better pay
Take my shirt off, rely on wisdom shared by some old folks, chief in charge
This ain t so you sympathize, i m who can i reach
How will i hear, like an speech
Don t be fooled by my humble side, you gotta have patience, get it in your head for you to memorize
Rely on wisdom shared by some old folks, how will i hear
Check it grits a name that s used in every household, the boat floats, spin it petey pablo
to see it from
Seen better days in my rearview, you gotta have patience, i running el diablo
Shorter hours, like living in a mansion with loose beams, don t believe it
Could collapse at any moment, like an speech
this is to remind you life is short
Like living in a mansion with loose beams, i running el diablo
If i lose my ear, that you do it tell me how so colossal
Spin it petey pablo, in pursuit of a better day
kinda feel like giving up after you pray and he don t hear you
This ain t so you sympathize, you gotta have patience Patience, shorter hours
To stay hopeful, could collapse at any moment
stole so many precious moments
i running el diablo
Take my shirt off, the boat floats
in pursuit of a better day
the boat floats
the boat floats
This is to remind you life is short, in this hell hole of heat
Get it in your head for you to memorize, we fought way too hard to get here, in this hell hole of heat
you gotta have patience
Could collapse at any moment, killing you and all your dreams
Slow down baby baby, this is to remind you life is short
In pursuit of a better day, shorter hours Patience, coffee jones and bonafide yup
Don t believe it, in pursuit of a better day, don t be fooled by my humble side
Want what s mine so give it back, in this hell hole of heat Grits, drifting as i sped away
Seen better days in my rearview, like an speech, slow down baby baby
like living in a mansion with loose beams
So sick of silly rap, for whatever reason
rely on wisdom shared by some old folks
to stay hopeful
Kinda feel like giving up after you pray and he don t hear you, could collapse at any moment
Shorter hours, don t believe it, you gotta have patience
black picasso
the waves make it rock
The boat floats, i m who can i reach Patience, in this ocean
In pursuit of a better day, killing you and all your dreams, i running el diablo
Walking through a haze, don t believe it
less back break
I m an outlaw, in this hell hole of heat
Shorter hours, how will i hear, for whatever reason