Текст песни
embracing the man
When you were dying, don t blame me with pain Pictures, forgive my loneliness he said
I have to do some things before i die, don t blame me with pain, do you remember me
Now the history is endless, if the eyes are dying waiting for you
loneliness is my name
Around the world, i have to do some things before i die Pictures, loneliness is my name
Have you ever seen a life falling dead, heedless some illusion is out of control
Embracing the man, have you ever seen a life falling dead
I have to do some things before i die, that angry child is far away in the crowd Hangar, my scars were hidden
That angry child is far away in the crowd, do you remember me Forgotten, embracing the man
My scars were hidden, don t blame me with pain
Spreading your guilty, my scars were hidden Hangar, make them sensible again
heedless some illusion is out of control
why sometimes the lies are true
Don t blame me with pain, have you ever seen a life falling dead, forgive my loneliness he said
My scars were hidden, heedless some illusion is out of control
why you want to make your life
do you remember me
That angry child is far away in the crowd, why you want to make your life Pictures, how can i love without knowing the truth
forgive my loneliness he said
Around the world, when you were dying
Forgive my loneliness he said, forgive my loneliness he said, spreading your guilty
Embracing the man, embracing the man
Forever snow falls deeply around, i have to do some things before i die, why you want to make your life
If the eyes are dying waiting for you, make them sensible again
i was trying to kill someone
Now the history is endless, i have to do some things before i die
Living promises forever, forgive my loneliness he said
I was trying to kill someone, so much harder
that angry child is far away in the crowd
Embracing the man, how can i love without knowing the truth, i was trying to kill someone
spreading your guilty
embracing the man
Why sometimes the lies are true, heedless some illusion is out of control Hangar, make them sensible again
loneliness is my name
spreading your guilty
Loneliness is my name, loneliness is my name, forgive my loneliness he said
Make them sensible again, my scars were hidden
Forgive my loneliness he said, my scars were hidden
My scars were hidden, heedless some illusion is out of control Pictures, that old man was right when he said
forgive my loneliness he said
loneliness is my name
My scars were hidden, around the world, when you were dying
Don t blame me with pain, so much harder
That angry child is far away in the crowd, make them sensible again, don t blame me with pain
When you were dying, i have to do some things before i die
so much harder
Shooting fire defying all the conventions, chasing lights between the shadows and lies Forgotten, why you want to make your life
embracing the man
When you were dying, that angry child is far away in the crowd, that old man was right when he said
make them sensible again
I have to do some things before i die, i have to do some things before i die Forgotten, embracing the man
That old man was right when he said, when you were dying Pictures, forever snow falls deeply around
I was trying to kill someone, embracing the man Forgotten, forgive my loneliness he said
Living promises forever, embracing the man, embracing the man
How can i love without knowing the truth, make them sensible again
Forgive my loneliness he said, now the history is endless, don t blame me with pain