Текст песни
getting out of my head
no kicks no no i can t get none
No fun to be found unless you re on one, so bored of being ignored Excitement, so bored of being ignored
No kicks i can t get no fun, just letting off steam, so bored of being so bored
people see no good
Just letting off steam, can t get none, people see no good
Tick tick tick boom, no fun to be found unless you re on one Excitement, the night gets freezing
no kicks i can t get no fun
No kicks i can t get no fun, just letting off steam
follow your nose
tick tick tick boom
no kicks i can t get no fun
so bored of being so bored
the night gets freezing
Tick tick tick boom, feelin fit to burst, getting out of my head
so bored of being so bored
Just letting off steam, so bored of being so bored, but you just turn me down
tick tick tick boom
Can t get none, just letting off steam
tick tick tick boom
Can t get none, tick tick tick boom, no kicks i can t get no fun
No love around here can t get none, no kicks i can t get no fun Excitement, can t get none
No love around here can t get none, getting out of my head so i don t lose my mind, no fun to be found unless you re on one
No fun to be found unless you re on one, so bored of being so bored
i keep turning up
Follow your nose, tick tick tick boom Excitement, no fun to be found unless you re on one
Tick tick tick boom, getting out of my head so i don t lose my mind Excitement, can t get none
No kicks no no i can t get none, no fun to be found unless you re on one
So bored of being so bored, no kicks i can t get no fun Excitement, can t get none
No fun to be found unless you re on one, no kicks i can t get no fun
No kicks i can t get no fun, no kicks i can t get no fun, so bored of being so bored
but you just turn me down
getting out of my head so i don t lose my mind
Just letting off steam, feelin fit to burst
Is there anybody out there???, i m like a real live wire, no fun to be found unless you re on one
just letting off steam
spend all of my money on a friday night