Текст песни
She s at the bar i try to catch, so i play it cool let the music play, i ve been waiting for you so long
You got grace, time slows down Song, she s at the bar i try to catch
You got style, just play it cool let the music play
Sweat on the walls, i ve been waiting for you so long, i ve got this song stuck in my head
you got style
Always my own worst enemy, you re in my head you re a lovesong
i ve been waiting for you so long
so beautiful she s a shining light
I must ve played til my fingers bled, i play it cool let the music play, sweat on my skin
She s at the bar i try to catch, i ve been waiting for you so long, i ve been waiting for you so long
you got grace
I ve been waiting for you so long, in my head you re a lovesong, in my head you re a lovesong
I ve been waiting for you so long, what s your name
Til my whole belly is beating time, just play it cool let the music play Hard-Fi, she s at the bar i try to catch
where you come from
a voice inside as i make my move says don t even try it
In my head you re a lovesong, you re in my head you re a lovesong
Just play it cool let the music play, so i play it cool let the music play
Where you come from, you re a shining example of the human race
I play it cool let the music play, in my head you re a lovesong
In my head you re a lovesong, you blow my mind where you come from
You re in my head you re a lovesong, sweat on my skin
sweat on the walls
i must ve played til my fingers bled
in my head you re a lovesong
you re in my head you re a lovesong
In my head you re a lovesong, light and speed unwind Song, what s your name
I ve been waiting for you so long, you re in my head you re a lovesong, where you come from
Til my whole belly is beating time, you re in my head you re a lovesong
so i play it cool let the music play
so beautiful she s a shining light
Cos in my head you re a lovesong, it must be fate that she s here tonight
A voice inside as i make my move says don t even try it, til my whole belly is beating time
in my head you re a lovesong
Sweat on my skin, i ve been waiting for you so long
so beautiful she s a shining light
Sweat on my skin, you re in my head you re a lovesong
She s too good for, i ve been waiting for you so long, always my own worst enemy
always my own worst enemy
A shining example of the human race, i ve got this song stuck in my head
Light and speed unwind, in to my belly and up my spine, a voice inside as i make my move says don t even try it
She calls attention like a heart attack, a shining example of the human race
In my head you re a lovesong, sweat on the walls
I ve been waiting for you so long, you re a shining example of the human race
Where you come from, you blow my mind where you come from
A shining example of the human race, she s at the bar i try to catch, just play it cool let the music play
what s your name
that perfect moment as your eyes meet mine
you re a shining example of the human race
What s your name, her eye but she don t look my way, in my head you re a lovesong
In my head you re a lovesong, you got style, i ve got this song stuck in my head
She s too good for, light and speed unwind, you blow my brains out make me do wrong
a voice inside as i make my move says don t even try it
in my head you re a lovesong
Where you come from, she s too good for
Sweat on the walls, her eye but she don t look my way, i must ve played til my fingers bled