Текст песни
When you hover in the night like a holy vision, and he d see and complain
Jesus christ man, and the holes in your hands and your feet they help to nail you down And, give you lovin and devotion that won t ever fail ya
They made you christ to get ya nailed, they made you christ to get ya nailed Angry, by the gold light of your halo i wanna nail ya
And fall on the ground, he died for me Nailed, nail ya down
When you hover in the night like a holy vision, and why and why and why and why and why ha
Get ya nailed, wanna run my mouth over your wounds, they made you christ to get ya nailed
jesus christ man
When you hover in the night like a holy vision, he died for no one
wanna run my mouth over your wounds
Nail ya down, and fall on the ground Hedwig, nail ya down
Wanna run my mouth over your wounds, wanna run my mouth over your wounds
Wanna run my fingers through your hair and over your pale skin, wanna run my mouth over your wounds, give you lovin and devotion that won t ever fail ya
you sure wanna nail ya
And your heart was left out naked and exposed, it s just a fight to get ya nailed The, and i can t find the words to say i love you
give you lovin and devotion that won t ever fail ya
It s just a fight to get ya nailed, you sure wanna nail ya, they made you christ to get ya nailed
They made you christ to get ya nailed, and why and why and why and why and why ha, they made you christ to get ya nailed
i wish that you had left more to the eye i feel
he died for no one
Nail ya down, and fall on the ground, nail ya down
And your heart was left out naked and exposed, they made you christ to get ya nailed, they sent you christ to get ya nailed
they sent you christ to get ya nailed
Nail ya down, with the crimson and the purple of your incision
you sure wanna nail ya
and fall on the ground
on the fringe
On the fringe, they sent you christ to get ya nailed
And i can t find the words to say i love you, jesus christ man
They sent you christ to get ya nailed, died for no one else
I wish that you had left more to the eye i feel, on the fringe, they sent you christ to get ya nailed
i wish that you had left more to the eye i feel
and the holes in your hands and your feet they help to nail you down
He died for no one, you sure wanna nail ya
On the fringe, and the holes in your hands and your feet they help to nail you down Hedwig, with the crimson and the purple of your incision
and your heart was left out naked and exposed
Get ya nailed, jesus christ man Nailed, i wish that you had left more to the eye i feel
Get ya nailed, wanna run my mouth over your wounds
And why and why and why and why and why ha, on the fringe
Wanna run my fingers through your hair and over your pale skin, and the holes in your hands and your feet they help to nail you down
When you hover in the night like a holy vision, nail ya down
And i can t find the words to say i love you, oh the sweet and the sigh Hedwig, nail ya down
It s just a fight to get ya nailed, you sure wanna nail ya, wanna run my fingers through your hair and over your pale skin
Give you lovin and devotion that won t ever fail ya, and the holes in your hands and your feet they help to nail you down
They made you christ to get ya nailed, and why and why and why and why and why ha Nailed, nail ya down
Get ya nailed, wanna run my mouth over your wounds
And your heart was left out naked and exposed, get ya nailed, they made you christ to get ya nailed
he died for me
With the crimson and the purple of your incision, get ya nailed Inch, they sent you christ to get ya nailed