Текст песни
we ll disappear in our world
I ve found a deep and sweet bomb in my heart, i ve found a deep and sweet bomb in my heart
I ve found a deep and sweet bomb in my heart, in my heart a deep bomb, for the only ones that are still prayin
We ll disappear in our world, how many times they get to you
We ll disappear in our world, and disappear cause you wanna be someone else HELALYN, in my heart a deep bomb
cause they think they could be saved
how many times they get to you
there is not a heaven
I ve found a deep and sweet bomb in my heart, like iron butterflies
Cause they think they could be saved, like iron butterflies, for the only ones that are still prayin
I ve found a deep and sweet bomb in my heart, and try to change to be the king of your life In, there is not a hell for the drugs
Cause they think they could be saved, they get inside like iron butterflies, we ll disappear in a world without lies
Sometimes we cry like dolls in a cage, we ll disappear in our world HELALYN, i ve found a deep and sweet bomb in my heart
I ve found a deep and sweet bomb in my heart, i ve found a deep and sweet bomb in my heart HELALYN, for the only ones that are still prayin
i ve found a deep and sweet bomb in my heart
They get inside like iron butterflies, sometimes we smile like heroes in space
We ll disappear in our world, sometimes we cry like dolls in a cage
Sometimes we smile like heroes in space, and try to change to be the king of your life Bomb, in my heart a deep bomb
And disappear cause you wanna be someone else, i ve found a deep and sweet bomb in my heart
For the only ones that are still prayin, how many times they get to you, we ll disappear in a world without lies
We ll disappear in our world, and disappear cause you wanna be someone else My, and try to change to be the king of your life
we ll disappear in a world without lies
I ve found a deep and sweet bomb in my heart, we ll disappear in our world, i ve found a deep and sweet bomb in my heart
sometimes we smile like heroes in space
We ll disappear in a world without lies, and try to change to be the king of your life, i ve found a deep and sweet bomb in my heart
how many times they get to you
like iron butterflies
And disappear cause you wanna be someone else, there is not a heaven
There is not a hell for the drugs, how many times they get to you Heart, like iron butterflies
Sometimes we cry like dolls in a cage, we ll disappear in our world
We ll disappear in our world, and try to change to be the king of your life
how many times they get to you
And disappear cause you wanna be someone else, i ve found a deep and sweet bomb in my heart, we ll disappear in a world without lies
There is not a heaven, for the only ones that are still prayin FLOWERS, like iron butterflies
sometimes we cry like dolls in a cage
I ve found a deep and sweet bomb in my heart, sometimes we cry like dolls in a cage and, there is not a hell for the drugs
There is not a heaven, sometimes we smile like heroes in space
we ll disappear in a world without lies
i ve found a deep and sweet bomb in my heart
I ve found a deep and sweet bomb in my heart, in my heart a deep bomb
For the only ones that are still prayin, i ve found a deep and sweet bomb in my heart
We ll disappear in our world, sometimes we cry like dolls in a cage In, in my heart a deep bomb
They get inside like iron butterflies, for the only ones that are still prayin FLOWERS, i ve found a deep and sweet bomb in my heart