Текст песни
it is deeper than a tar pit
cause it goes right to my head
it makes my lips as red as rubies
You go down into the big pit, cause it goes right to my head
They grow like a plant grows, they go over your new clothes
Your hair is up in curlers, i ll eat it til i m dead
they go over your money
They go over your money, your hair is up in curlers, they go slowly
Your lips are redder than lucifer, i ll eat it til i m dead
They go over your new clothes, did i tell you that you can t get to heaven
your lips are redder than lucifer
In high-heeled shoes, i like pretty baby candy, it goes right to my head
You re such a loose little belle, they go over your money
I like pretty baby candy, i ll eat it til i m dead Helium, it makes my lips as red as rubies
Your lips are redder than lucifer, the only good man s a dead man
i like pretty baby candy
I ll eat it til i m dead, you re such a loose little belle Skeleton, in high-heeled shoes
Did i tell you that you can t get to heaven, your lips are redder than lucifer
cause it goes right to my head
did i tell you that you can t get to heaven
In high-heeled shoes, they go over your head
I ll eat it til i m dead, you re such a loose little belle
I ll eat it til i m dead, i ll eat it til i m dead
they grow like a plant grows
You re a fallen angel, the only good man s a dead man, did i tell you i ve got tiny little fingers
They go over your new clothes, i like pretty baby candy
They go over your money, you re a fallen angel Helium, i ll eat it til i m dead
I like pretty baby candy, it goes right to my head Skeleton, your hair is up in curlers
I ve got bones where the ring goes, i like pretty baby candy, did i tell you that you can t get to heaven
i like pretty baby candy
You re a fallen angel, they grow like a plant grows
Your lips are redder than lucifer, i ll eat it til i m dead, they go over your head
I like pretty baby candy, they go over your money
I like pretty baby candy, the only good man s a dead man Helium, your lips are redder than lucifer
They go over your money, it makes my lips as red as rubies
I ll eat it til i m dead, i ll eat it til i m dead Skeleton, it goes right to my head
I like pretty baby candy, cause it goes right to my head, i like pretty baby candy
they go slowly
It goes right to my head, i like pretty baby candy, they go over your money
They go slowly, did i tell you that you can t get to heaven, your hair is up in curlers
I ll eat it til i m dead, it is deeper than a tar pit
i like pretty baby candy
you go down into the big pit
the only good man s a dead man
You re such a loose little belle, you re a fallen angel, they go over your head
It makes my lips as red as rubies, in high-heeled shoes, it makes my lips as red as rubies
Cause it goes right to my head, did i tell you that you can t get to heaven
They go over your money, it goes right to my head, they go over your head
They go slowly, you go down into the big pit
In high-heeled shoes, it is deeper than a tar pit Helium, did i tell you that you can t get to heaven
i like pretty baby candy
They go over your money, your hair is up in curlers Skeleton, cause it goes right to my head
you go down into the big pit
the only good man s a dead man
I like pretty baby candy, it makes my lips as red as rubies, i ll eat it til i m dead
they go over your money
You re a fallen angel, i ll eat it til i m dead Helium, the only good man s a dead man
Did i tell you that you can t get to heaven, your hair is up in curlers Skeleton, i like pretty baby candy