Текст песни
mutiny and betrayal is written in blood
i bear no life now that the war is done
today old friend
I want whomever that views your, i bear no life now that the war is done
It s not enough to die, my brother in combat as war scorched the land Mutiny, my brother in combat as war scorched the land
Abandoned me with nothing to fight all alone, mutilated and slain the vendetta is done Hexen, i bear no life now that the war is done
The hate built from vengeance my soul was possessed, remains to vomit in disgust
That only your death would put my soul to rest, mutilated and slain the vendetta is done Hexen, mutiny and betrayal is written in blood
Abandoned me with nothing to fight all alone, who would ve thought tonight
Of one purpose we fought hand in hand, we d face each other enemies, that only your death would put my soul to rest
It s not enough to die, you pay for your mutiny, remains to vomit in disgust
That only your death would put my soul to rest, mutilated and slain the vendetta is done
it s not enough to die
Mutiny and betrayal is written in blood, we d face each other enemies
Abandoned me with nothing to fight all alone, mutiny and betrayal is written in blood, mutiny and betrayal is written in blood
but the war between us has only begun
That only your death would put my soul to rest, you pay for your mutiny
Mutiny and betrayal is written in blood, that only your death would put my soul to rest
The treachery you gave me i ll never atone, you pay for your mutiny
Abandoned me with nothing to fight all alone, we d face each other enemies, mutiny and betrayal is written in blood
That only your death would put my soul to rest, i bear no life now that the war is done, i bear no life now that the war is done
I bear no life now that the war is done, but the war between us has only begun
That only your death would put my soul to rest, mutiny and betrayal
today old friend
Of one purpose we fought hand in hand, we d face each other enemies Mutiny, you pay for your mutiny
That only your death would put my soul to rest, wolves and lambs respect no truce of the mind Hexen, you pay for your mutiny
We d face each other enemies, you pay for your mutiny Mutiny, i want whomever that views your
Who would ve thought tonight, today old friend, mutiny and betrayal is written in blood
The treachery you gave me i ll never atone, the treachery you gave me i ll never atone
Who would ve thought tonight, that only your death would put my soul to rest
remains to vomit in disgust
that only your death would put my soul to rest
The treachery you gave me i ll never atone, the treachery you gave me i ll never atone Mutiny, mutilated and slain the vendetta is done
of one purpose we fought hand in hand
My brother in combat as war scorched the land, i bear no life now that the war is done, i want whomever that views your
Mutiny and betrayal, the hate built from vengeance my soul was possessed, mutiny and betrayal is written in blood
we d face each other enemies
Don t speak to me of forgiveness it is for the blind, mutiny and betrayal Mutiny, it s not enough to die
Today old friend, we d face each other enemies Mutiny, abandoned me with nothing to fight all alone
Don t speak to me of forgiveness it is for the blind, today old friend
Of one purpose we fought hand in hand, i bear no life now that the war is done
you pay for your mutiny
desecration is a must
That only your death would put my soul to rest, wolves and lambs respect no truce of the mind
I want whomever that views your, of one purpose we fought hand in hand, the treachery you gave me i ll never atone
Who would ve thought tonight, my brother in combat as war scorched the land, mutiny and betrayal
that only your death would put my soul to rest
it s not enough to die
We d face each other enemies, remains to vomit in disgust, desecration is a must
Mutiny and betrayal is written in blood, today old friend
The hate built from vengeance my soul was possessed, i want whomever that views your, but the war between us has only begun
abandoned me with nothing to fight all alone
But the war between us has only begun, remains to vomit in disgust
i bear no life now that the war is done
The hate built from vengeance my soul was possessed, today old friend, today old friend
Who would ve thought tonight, today old friend, of one purpose we fought hand in hand
Don t speak to me of forgiveness it is for the blind, my brother in combat as war scorched the land Hexen, we d face each other enemies
It s not enough to die, we d face each other enemies
That only your death would put my soul to rest, desecration is a must, i bear no life now that the war is done
Who would ve thought tonight, don t speak to me of forgiveness it is for the blind