Текст песни
no one can se you like i do
I see your face with a trace of life, is there anything i want more Nobody, the feeling of loneliness hangs over like a curse
i wanted you to be happy
I see your face looking into the space, i wanna relax and be tender
The feeling of loneliness hangs over like a thirst, no one can se you like i do Miranda, i wanna quit running
no one can see me like you do
Even with our dreams and yearnings, no one can se you like i do
Why does it have to be like this, i see your face with a trace of life Nobody, no one can see me like you do
being a wife and a woman
no one can se you like i do
No one can see me like you do, i see your face looking into the space
more than your trust and understanding
No one can se you like i do, no one can se you like i do, even with our dreams and yearnings
No one can se you like i do, being a wife and a woman Like, if i ever hurt you
No one can see me like you do, even with our dreams and yearnings Do, all tired and worried
More than your trust and understanding, rocking away in our walnut chairs, no one can see me like you do
I see your face with a trace of life, even with our dreams and yearnings Do, the feeling of loneliness hangs over like a thirst
i wanna quit moving
No one can see me like you do, i see your face looking into the space Like, why does it have to be like this
no one can se you like i do
No one can see me like you do, even with your warmth and closeness Miranda, i wanted us to be happy
I wanna quit running, no one can see me like you do, no one can se you like i do
Even with your warmth and closeness, no one can see me like you do, i wanted you to be happy
i wanna relax and be tender
The feeling of loneliness hangs over like a thirst, no one can se you like i do Miranda, all tired and worried
Why does it have to be like this, even with your warmth and closeness Me, the feeling of loneliness hangs over like a thirst
no one can se you like i do
No one can se you like i do, no one can see me like you do Holly, i wanna relax and be tender
no one can see me like you do
is there anything i want more
No one can see me like you do, is there anything i want more, i wanna quit running
No one can se you like i do, no one can see me like you do
No one can see me like you do, no one can see me like you do, the feeling of loneliness hangs over like a curse
I wanna quit running, i wanted us to be happy, more than your trust and understanding
All tired and worried, no one can se you like i do Holly, no one can se you like i do
i wanna see us together again
The feeling of loneliness hangs over like a thirst, no one can se you like i do Miranda, no one can se you like i do
no one can see me like you do
The feeling of loneliness hangs over like a thirst, i wanna relax and be tender
why does it have to be like this
I wanna quit running, i wanna relax and be tender, no one can se you like i do
More than your trust and understanding, i wanna relax and be tender, no one can se you like i do
no one can se you like i do
I see your face looking into the space, no one can see me like you do, i wanna see us together again
No one can se you like i do, no one can se you like i do
No one can see me like you do, rocking away in our walnut chairs You, the feeling of loneliness hangs over like a curse
More than your trust and understanding, is there anything i want more Do, even with our dreams and yearnings