Текст песни
Set free from the past, as i seek inward Hundredth, instead of facing my soul
hiding the unknown
Afraid of silence and the truth it might tell, as i seek inward
You are the one, you are the one, it thrives on approval
Instead of facing my soul, the ones that we ve been waiting for
Mask blinding spirit, of despair and agony, you are the one
afraid of silence and the truth it might tell
i ll never understand without letting go
And the world is not the problem, we are the ones
of despair and agony
Fear is the foundation of my insecurities, the problem is me
As i seek inward, the ones that we ve been waiting for Manifest, i ll be a slave to my ego until i transform
we are the ones
The one that i ve been waiting for, i am the one
You are the one, my ego lives in fear
Hiding the unknown, mask blinding spirit
I shed my body and manifest, it thrives on approval, fear is the foundation of my insecurities
You are the one, i create the world Hundredth, it thrives on approval
I am the one, consciousness misled until the removal, the ones that we ve been waiting for
I create the world, set free from the past
the ones that we ve been waiting for
Of despair and agony, the root of my anger and hostility, as i seek inward
I ll never understand without letting go, i create the world Manifest, i ll never understand without letting go
I ll be a slave to my ego until i transform, of despair and agony
i have to reach beyond illusion to find reality
The ones that we ve been waiting for, hiding the unknown, the ones that we ve been waiting for
Illuminate each day, consciousness misled until the removal
I ll be a slave to my ego until i transform, i create the world
fear is the foundation of my insecurities
it thrives on approval
you are the one
the problem is me
The ones that we ve been waiting for, i shed my body and manifest
mask blinding spirit
The problem is me, i shed my body and manifest Hundredth, i shed my body and manifest
We are the ones, i create the world
Fear is the foundation of my insecurities, i shed my body and manifest, as i seek inward
I have to reach beyond illusion to find reality, that we ve been waiting for Hundredth, the ones that we ve been waiting for
I am the one, i ll never understand without letting go Manifest, and the world is not the problem
I am the one, the root of my anger and hostility, the one that i ve been waiting for
I am the one, as i seek inward
The one that i ve been waiting for, and the world is not the problem, you are the one
I shed my body and manifest, as i seek inward Hundredth, as i seek inward
The one that i ve been waiting for, i shed my body and manifest, the one that i ve been waiting for
Consciousness misled until the removal, my ego lives in fear, afraid of silence and the truth it might tell
fear is the foundation of my insecurities
I create the world, i am the one
The root of my anger and hostility, afraid of silence and the truth it might tell Hundredth, the ones that we ve been waiting for
The end is the beginning, i am the one, i have to reach beyond illusion to find reality
i create the world
I am the one, i distract myself Hundredth, the end is the beginning