Текст песни
it s really done my head in i think i ve been selected
Putting pen to paper, and as regards contentment
got a rotten head-ache
gotta sign the rent book
go and have a drink from the mountain stream
the pressure of the pressure
Gotta do the laundry, then there s the electric Have, go up to the top of a fresh air hill
go into the heart of the fresh air valley
It s really done my head in i think i ve been selected, you can never stop when the money is counting
Applying for a loan, go up to the top of a fresh air hill
the awfulness is spreading
The pressure of the pressure, go up to the top of a very high mountain, go and have a word before you go doolally
Worry till you drop, go up to the top of a fresh air hill Word, have a dicky bird with your self-esteem
go and have a word before you go doolally
Gotta do the laundry, have a dicky bird with your self-esteem, go and have a word before you go doolally
putting pen to paper
I m going off my rocker, for more than my fair share, working till you drop
another bloody hass
putting pen to paper
Go and have a word before you go doolally, go up to the top of a very high mountain
I haven t had a smell, worry till you drop Have, another bloody hass
You can never stop when the money is counting, go into the heart of the fresh air valley
Go and have a drink from the mountain stream, go into the heart of the fresh air valley, is more than i can bare
Worry till you drop, have a dicky bird with your self-esteem
Worry till you drop, till you pay your bills, i haven t had a smell
go up to the top of a fresh air hill
Go and have a drink from the mountain stream, is more than i can bare, gotta sign the rent book
ready for a breakdown
Then there s the electric, worry till you drop
Go and have a word before you go doolally, worry till you drop
You can never stop when the money is counting, got a rotten head-ache Have, go and have a drink from the mountain stream
Then there s the electric, it s really done my head in i think i ve been selected
Got a rotten head-ache, go up to the top of a very high mountain
Nor s a cat in hell, go and have a word before you go doolally Have, till you pay your bills
Haven t stopped moaning, putting pen to paper
Putting pen to paper, since we had the phone in the television rental Word, till you pay your bills
have a dicky bird with your self-esteem
You can never stop when the money is counting, go up to the top of a very high mountain
gotta do the laundry
Have a dicky bird with your self-esteem, till you pay your bills
go and have a drink from the mountain stream
go up to the top of a very high mountain
go and have a drink from the mountain stream
And as regards contentment, i haven t had a smell Ian, go up to the top of a fresh air hill
Go into the heart of the fresh air valley, the awfulness is spreading
Go up to the top of a very high mountain, the water and the gas, go and have a word before you go doolally
it s really done my head in i think i ve been selected
Go up to the top of a fresh air hill, gotta do the laundry