Текст песни
Passed it down the alleyway, was it all a plan for me Pilot, i just called to say
I got your message the other day, slid inside the cracks in the wall, i just called to say
Was it all a plan for me, was it all a plan for me, i just called to say
Passed it down the alleyway, to bury skins under the seam
i just called to say
i m gonna blow your leaves
Slid inside the cracks in the wall, i got your message the other day
I just called to say, i just called to say In, i just called to say
Was it all a plan for me, and you re a goddamn tree
i m gonna blow your leaves
I found a nest under my sleeve, i just called to say, i just called to say
I just called to say, i m gonna blow your leaves In, i got your message the other day
Slid inside the cracks in the wall, i m gonna blow your leaves
I just called to say, i whisper in the wind
i m gonna blow your leaves
I just called to say, i whisper in the wind Dark, was it all a plan for me
I just called to say, covered it and scratched it till i bled Idiot, to bury skins under the seam
i just called to say
I just called to say, passed it down the alleyway In, i found a nest under my sleeve
Was it all a plan for me, was it all a plan for me, was it all a plan for me
covered it and scratched it till i bled
i just called to say
Was it all a plan for me, i just called to say, i got your message the other day
I just called to say, i whisper in the wind, passed it down the alleyway
I got your message the other day, i got your message the other day, i just called to say
I got your message the other day, i m gonna blow your leaves
To bury skins under the seam, passed it down the alleyway Pilot, i just called to say
I whisper in the wind, i got your message the other day
Was it all a plan for me, to bury skins under the seam