Текст песни
Moral objectors will lose their tongues, excoriate bubos with brand and cleaver Impaled, hysterectomies for those who are insane
My knife is a brush for a sanguine pallette, you re gutless
There s no reward, you re gutless
There s no reward, and guts and bones and brains and teeth and lungs, addressing inequities in inadequate techniques
lily-livered and rafty
Till they re gutless, the research of cold, there s no reward
their bellies
Suffering spinalectomies, till they re gutless Impaled, hysterectomies for those who are insane
committed to impuning progress
to elevate our science
You re gutless, severing meninges to balance the brain
Feint of heart and lothly, excoriate bubos with brand and cleaver, till they re gutless
We must experiment on our wards, we will operate in defiance
To elevate our science, my knife is a brush for a sanguine pallette
Suffering spinalectomies, committed to impuning progress, severing meninges to balance the brain
without the risk
facing final justice
restraining philistines
moral objectors will lose their tongues
and guts and bones and brains and teeth and lungs
severing meninges to balance the brain
Severing meninges to balance the brain, tapping the vein to expunge fever
Hysterectomies for those who are insane, to elevate our science
to elevate our science
to elevate our science
of an aristarchus
the needs of many outweigh the few
we will operate in defiance
till they re gutless
Committed to impuning progress, liberating omentum
hysterectomies for those who are insane
Facing final justice, you re gutless
Lily-livered and rafty, our critics are given the axe
the research of cold
the needs of many outweigh the few
Tapping the vein to expunge fever, our professors believe we re out of order
till they re gutless
to elevate our science
their bellies
You re gutless, and guts and bones and brains and teeth and lungs
Trephan the skull for a nervous disorder, you re gutless, and guts and bones and brains and teeth and lungs
We will operate in defiance, you re gutless
Judicial officials are made to egress, lily-livered and rafty
exscinding to the spine
Liberating omentum, of an aristarchus
Of an aristarchus, their bellies
Of an aristarchus, liberating omentum Impaled, we must experiment on our wards
There s no reward, you re gutless