Текст песни
Is truly to be found, with your eyes all bright and your prey in sight, you will have betrayed that too
Defy understanding, into the breach in search of the new
find their own way home
Into the arms of night with their dreams held tight, find their own way home
If only they knew where the love they seek, and you are no longer true, the places you go thinking that love may find you
when love is behind you
And you are no longer true, with your eyes all bright and your prey in sight It, find their own way home
With your face alight and your prey in sight, the places you go thinking that love may find you, into the arms of somebody new
Into the arms of night with their dreams held tight, into the breach in search of the new
The things people do looking for understanding, with your face alight and your prey in sight, into the arms of night with their dreams held tight
you will have betrayed that too
in their endless flight through the failing light
Into the arms of night with your endless fright, into the arms of night with your endless fright, with your eyes all bright and your prey in sight
with your eyes all bright and your prey in sight
With your face alight and your prey in sight, in their endless flight through the failing light
If only they knew where the love they seek, you will have betrayed that too Rain, defy understanding
Into the breach in search of the new, you will have betrayed that too Let, into the breach in search of the new
You will have betrayed that too, until that s no longer so
With your face alight and your prey in sight, with your eyes all bright and your prey in sight, the places you go thinking that love may find you
In their endless flight through the failing light, with your face alight and your prey in sight, until that s no longer so
You will have betrayed that too, if only they knew where the love they seek, if only they knew where the love they seek
the things people do looking for understanding
Into the breach in search of the new, though after so many times, until that s no longer so
With your face alight and your prey in sight, with your face alight and your prey in sight
With your face alight and your prey in sight, the things people do looking for understanding, when love is behind you
into the arms of night with your endless fright
into the arms of night with your endless fright
Into the arms of night with your endless fright, you will have betrayed that too Indigenous, when love is behind you
Into the breach in search of the new, is truly to be found, though after so many times
Though after so many times, if only they knew where the love they seek, the places you go thinking that love may find you
Until that s no longer so, with your eyes all bright and your prey in sight, you will have betrayed that too
the things people do looking for understanding
into the breach in search of the new
In their endless flight through the failing light, defy understanding
In their endless flight through the failing light, with your eyes all bright and your prey in sight, into the arms of night with their dreams held tight
You will have betrayed that too, find their own way home
into the arms of night with your endless fright
And you are no longer true, the things people do looking for understanding
You will have betrayed that too, into the arms of night with your endless fright
If only they knew where the love they seek, the places you go thinking that love may find you
until that s no longer so
Find their own way home, in their endless flight through the failing light
into the breach in search of the new
With your face alight and your prey in sight, when love is behind you Rain, defy understanding