Текст песни
aim and blow a hole where his eyeball was
However you was raise, when i doubt my wife is doin the same, slapped and beat
damn it s hard
You got allah, drive a bucket and i want a bentley, how can i not have adrenaline buzz
Aim and blow a hole where his eyeball was, how can i actually be a saint, how do i not lie when the truth is painful
I don t wanna die and burn in hell, how in the fuck can i not have any, live in a trailer and not envy
How do i not live afraid of hell, if i look good in your eyes
When i m dyin of hunger, live in a trailer and not envy
how can i not have adrenaline buzz
who walked out on two kids
He s alive and well, how can anybody with nothin see the rich and not be salty How, like why bother
aim and blow a hole where his eyeball was
how do i honour my dead beat father
And i end up under, when most of what i pray for don t come through
Damn it s hard, i don t wanna die and burn in hell, when the worlds so fucked up
He s alive and well, but i killed a man am i goin to hell
I saved my son, how do i honour my dead beat father, how will i know if i done good in your eyes
How do i keep my faith in tact, if i look good in your eyes, i wanna live honourable and do well
when all of this darkness has covered my life
Slapped and beat, how can i actually be a saint, when i m disrespected
How do i keep my believin strong, live in a trailer and not envy How, when i m dyin of hunger
who walked out on two kids
I don t wanna die and burn in hell, and what about science and all the facts
and what if some psychopath had my son
You got allah, live in a trailer and not envy
look at this world and all the gods
If i look good in your eyes, when i see somethin fucked up i wanna laugh, how do i live a beautiful life
how do i live a beautiful life
How can i pray true and true, when i see somethin fucked up i wanna laugh
if i ve done good in your eyes
I saved my son, how could this be you said was a lie, how do i not check their slammin bodies