Текст песни
Why should love survive, we were born to fly
here you are
And dreams die, why can t you and i, turn water into wine
and burning as you fly
No anchor for the sand dunes, or the tailspins
Pleasure in the need be mine, and burning as you fly, pouring out like tears
turn water into wine
here you are
Why should love survive, to turn its anger into truth
stop the hands of time
So here we are, and passion turns to plans
And burning as you fly, if dreams die before we give them life Janis, long before they re wed to life
Here you are, so here we are Janis, you re leaving
Turn water into wine, and love tries &, waiting to be fed
You re leaving, and burning as you fly, i miss you even when you re near
Afraid to spin too high, water into brine
Blinded by its youth, water into brine Why, my comet in the sky
Water into brine, withered on the vine
We were born to fly, no rudder for the gale winds
Afraid to spin too high, we were born to fly
If hope tries to fight the test of time, first you re holding hands
So here we are, old before its time
We were born to fly, then dreams become demands, pouring out like tears
If dreams die before we give them life, two ships without a sail Why, withered on the vine
i miss you even when you re near
stop the hands of time