Текст песни
Set sail towards somewhere we will to come fast, we take turns in setting the course
And with promises that they keep you off track, set sail towards somewhere we will to come fast Dover, set sail towards somewhere we will come to fast
with our hands tied to
Set sail towards somewhere we will come to fast, weights that pull and drag towards dark waters
Those days have past, weights that pull and drag towards dark waters, set sail towards somewhere we will to come fast
With our hands tied to, those days have past
Ropes reaching for depths from which we can t come back, but you re better than that Dover, the failures and the wait
And you re better off happy than waking up guilty of faults and mistakes that, we do everything that we can to keep them alive Jeniferever, we hold tight to the ghosts in the stories
With their threads and regrets and the guns that they pull, the failures and the wait Dover, with our hands tied to
Set sail towards somewhere we will to come fast, those days have past
with our hands tied to
If yours are looser tied, set sail towards somewhere we will come to fast Jeniferever, the failures and the wait
Loosen mine and bring us back, set sail towards somewhere we will to come fast, from fights you keep losing
weights that pull and drag towards dark waters
But you re better than that, in reading the words, if yours are looser tied
With our hands tied to, we hold tight to bits of the past
If yours are looser tied, those days have past
and with hundreds of words
Those days have past, set sail towards somewhere we will come to fast
Set sail towards somewhere we will to come fast, and with hundreds of words Dover, those days have past
But you re better than that, in reading the words
That s just a last try for the sand not to slip, set sail towards somewhere we will to come fast, what borders to cross and what places to head to
never were real
loosen mine and bring us back
bits that keep the days from aging that fast
the failures and the wait
With our hands tied to, bits that keep the days from aging that fast Dover, ropes reaching for depths from which we can t come back
If yours are looser tied, if yours are looser tied Jeniferever, what borders to cross and what places to head to
With their threads and regrets and the guns that they pull, weights that pull and drag towards dark waters
And with hundreds of words, we hold tight to bits of the past
never were real
In reading the words, with our hands tied to, set sail towards somewhere we will come to fast
if yours are looser tied
Set sail towards somewhere we will to come fast, with our hands tied to Dover, that s just a last try for the sand not to slip
bits that keep the days from aging that fast
And with promises that they keep you off track, we do everything that we can to keep them alive
Set sail towards somewhere we will to come fast, the failures and the wait, in reading the words
Ropes reaching for depths from which we can t come back, those days have past, we take turns in setting the course
And with hundreds of words, if yours are looser tied Jeniferever, those days have past
the failures and the wait
And with promises that they keep you off track, we take turns in setting the course
when they see that you re on your way out from this house that s on fire
we take turns in turning the pages
if yours are looser tied
We take turns in setting the course, we take turns in setting the course
Those days have past, we take turns in setting the course